Prior Engagements

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Jill: john wants to know how many of you will be able to make it to the trap run through thing

Photog. Adam: lol why didn't he just log on and ask us?

Logan: i forgot that was coming up

Logan: when was it?

Jill: friday evening

Amanda: yeah i can make that

Det. Hoffman: teacher's pet

Amanda: i will literally kill you

Jill: hey be nice, both of you

Det. Hoffman: hold on, i'll check my schedule

Amanda: HoLd On I'lL cHeCk My ScHeDuLe

Det. Hoffman: very mature

Amanda: 😜

Logan: shoot, i can't make that, mel's got a little league game

Logan: and like it's not just practice, it's like the big one of the season

Jill: that's okay, this isn't like a final checks type thing

Jill: just running through and making sure everything's clear

Jill: john will email you the important parts if you can't make it

Logan: okay. tell john sorry i won't be there

Jill: no worries

Photog. Adam: haha uhhhh i won't be able to be there eitherrrrr

Jill: what's up?

Photog. Adam: work stuff

Photog. Adam: like my day job work stuff

Photog. Adam: lady's paying me big time to follow her shady in-laws

Logan: are they actually shady or does she just think they are

Photog. Adam: idk that's not my problem lmao

Jill: okay, that's two down. is lawrence on?

Photog. Adam: i can get him

Amanda: lol here we go

Photog. Adam: @Dr. Gordon LARRYYYYY GET ON HERE

Photog. Adam: @Dr. Gordon IT'S LIFE OR DEATH

Photog. Adam: @Dr. Gordon PAGING DOCTOR GORDON

Photog. Adam: @Dr. Gordon WE HAVE AN EMERGENCY

Photog. Adam: @Dr. Gordon LARRYYYYYY

Logan: how did you do all that in like 5 seconds

Jill: adam i will mute you for spamming

Amanda: no no no give it a sec i've seen this work

Photog. Adam: @Dr. Gordon GET ON HERE DUDE

Photog. Adam: @Dr. Gordon WHY DON'T YOU CARE ABOUT US

Photog. Adam: @Dr. Gordon YOU'RE HURTING MY FEELINGS :"(

Photog. Adam: @Dr. Gordon I'M GONNA DIE IF YOU DON'T GET ON HERE


Logan: wow

Amanda: lol see?

Photog. Adam: he cannot resist my charms😘

Logan: is that what you call it?

Photog. Adam: i will fight you >:(

Jill: lawrence, john wants to know if you can make it to the trap run through thing friday evening

Dr. Gordon: this friday?

Jill: yes

Dr. Gordon: i'm afraid i can't, fridays are my father/daughter dinners with diana

Jill: no worries, john will email you the important stuff

Dr. Gordon: thank you

Dr. Gordon: adam never spam me like that again

Amanda: you say that every time lol

Photog. Adam: he loves me

Det. Hoffman: jill, let john know i'll be there


Det. Hoffman: what

Jill: great, i'll let him know

Amanda: jill, something just came up, i actually can't make it on friday

Logan: lol

Det. Hoffman: yeah that's not a lie at all

Amanda: yeah no i totally just remembered i'm actually helping out adam with his thing

Photog. Adam: don't worry, i got your back

Photog. Adam: yeah she's totally helping me

Det. Hoffman: doing what exactly?

Photog. Adam: she's gonna hold down the fort while i'm out taking pictures

Det. Hoffman: kinda sounds like she's just hanging out at your apartment

Photog. Adam: no no no it's a super important job and i literally can't trust anyone else with this

Amanda: thanks bro

Photog. Adam: no problem bro

Det. Hoffman: you guys are actual children

Logan: dude you know amanda's got her allergies to worry about

Det. Hoffman: what are you talking about

Logan: her severe allergy to being alone with you

Photog. Adam: GOT EM


Det. Hoffman: i hate you all

Jill: maybe we should just reschedule the whole thing

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