Stupid Sexy FBI

306 13 4

Det. Hoffman: i'm actually going to lose it

Logan: lol you mean you haven't already?

Det. Hoffman: shut up i'm serious

Amanda: watch out for the fun police logan no joking allowed

Dr. Gordon: what's going on?

Det. Hoffman: the fbi is practically breathing down my neck at the precinct

Det. Hoffman: it's stressing me out

Amanda: quit being so suspicious then

Det. Hoffman: i'm not being suspicious

Photog. Adam: dude i actually know what you're up to and you're still pretty shady

Amanda: hoffman radiates do not trust me energy

Photog. Adam: haha good one

Det. Hoffman: are you two done yet?

Logan: wait wait wait i thought you were taking care of the fbi??

Det. Hoffman: yeah i'm trying but there's this one guy who's way too smart for his own good

Dr. Gordon: what's his name?

Det. Hoffman: peter strahm. i can't stand this guy

Amanda: what, just because he's smarter than you?

Det. Hoffman: he's not smarter than me

Amanda: it's not that hard to be smarter than you

Det. Hoffman: whatever

Dr. Gordon: i don't understand what the problem is. aren't you still the lead detective in control of the jigsaw case?

Det. Hoffman: yeah, which i've been purposefully stonewalling and leading into dead ends

Det. Hoffman: but then strahm waltzes in with his stupid tailored suit and stupid perfect hair and figures out the whole thing in like 2 seconds

Photog. Adam: stupid tailored suit

Photog. Adam: stupid perfect hair

Photog. Adam: idk kinda sounds like you're into him

Det. Hoffman: WHAT

Amanda: lmaoooo he totally is

Amanda: you know he's down bad if he hates this guy THAT much

Logan: dude can't get him outta his head

Logan: why else would he remember those specific details


Photog. Adam: no but you are for denying your feelings for him

Det. Hoffman: I'M NOT

Det. Hoffman: I DON'T


Logan: you were telling us how attractive strahm is

Det. Hoffman: I WAS

Det. Hoffman: THAT IS NOT

Det. Hoffman: I WAS VENTING

Amanda: yes we know how strahm being so hot is very frustrating for you

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