chapter 2 pov change

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Judy hopps looked at the man in front of her with tears in her eyes as he slept almost as if the world has been lifted off his shoulders and she was thinking about how when she first saw him she was somewhat apprehensive and afraid of how menacing he looked but when he hugged me it was so so gently almost as if he thought I was porcelain and would break if held wrong and when I heard that howl it felt as if I was feeling all of his pain as guilt and sadness and it felt as if I was holding the world with how heavy it felt the pain he must've gone through must've been unimaginable and the burdens he must've had must have been so heavy and painful I was in tears just  thinking about it so when he cried like that at first I tried to get away but even though he was gentle his grip was ironclad and as I slowly but surely felt his sadness wash over me I decided to stay with him and hug him for however long he needed and so we stayed like that for a few hours and by the time he stopped crying  he just fell to the ground asleep sleeping as soundly as the night while still holding my paws with his big paws as tight and as gently as when he hugged me and by the time I stopped to turn around all of bunnyburrow came looking to find who it was that made that primal cry of pain and soon she and whatever it was was surrounded by a mile long circle of bunny's including Judy's family as well and all of them were asking questions like who is he. did he make that sound. is he okay. he must've been in so much pain and agony. aww look at how cute he is holding Judy's paw like that.
And thousands of other questions as all these bunnies were bombarding her with until she had had enough and whisper/yelled enough can't you see he's had enough, can't you all see how much pain he must've been in, didn't you all hear his pained cry as he screamed in utter pain and agony now leave him alone, as stu Judy's dad said alright now that's enough everyone time to hop home now that's right well speak about this whatever he is tomorrow now goodnight everyone goodbye and soon everyone. But Judy hopps her dad and her mom Bonnie were here and when It was just them and it whatever he was stu chose to speak " he must've been in so much pain what happened here kid"
And Judy said " I don't know I was walking out of the garage eating a carrot when out of nowhere this guy fell out of the sky and somehow he got up and as he looked around he saw me and when he did he ran towards me and hugged me ever so gently and said the name daisy and then you know the rest" Stu looked at judy and then at me as I slept soundly and loudly and he said " must've been somebody important for him to cry in that much pain and sadness" as Bonnie looked at me with a lone tear in her eyes as she said " I felt so much pain and sadness just from his howl alone he must've gone through so much trauma and when he saw you it must've triggered a memory of this daisy of his and he must've broke down seeing you because you maybe reminded him of this daisy or something I don't know I'm just guessing here" as stu said " welp that's all we can do until he wakes up and for now all we can do is wait till he wakes up welp ill go get a ton of blankets and pillows for the both you cause I don't think hell be moving any time soon" as Bonnie said "sorry judy youll have to sleep out here tonight dear is that alright with you love" and I said "yeah that's alright with me it seems like he needs some comfort anyways since he's still holding my paws so Ill just stay here till he wakes up okay but do you think you could get my phone ma cause i need to text nick to tell him i wont be coming home tonight" as bonnie said "sure hon just stay safe  while I go get it kay" and I said "sure will ma" as i waited while she went into the house to get my carrot phone 12 and as I waited I decided to get a closer look at you so I moved slowly and quietly while you were still holding my paws and looked at you. You were wearing an armor I had never seen before and weapons I had never seen before as well but when I tried to touch them you grunted in your sleep while made me stop and so you stopped but when I tried it again you grunted again and so I started messing around while you did it every time I tried while to me was really hopping hilarious to me but I stopped so you could get your rest even though it was still kind of funny to mess with you like that but I stopped and by the time I was done stu had brought out the blankets and pillows and he slowly and quietly put one under my helmet and a blanket over my body as he and I quietly whispered " sleep well whatever or whoever you are and as I went to sleep as well with the blankets and pillows on the floor I looked up to the stars as I looked at you one last time while you were still ever so gently holding my hand as I whispered " see you in the morning dude" and went to sleep

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