Chapter 2

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Me and scientist teleported to the one of the main camera bases. Scientist clawed out a large part of the building before me and G-Toilet use our lasers to destroy the base then I killed a surviving cameraman who attempted to run away but I used my jetpack at Glitchspeed to ram into him and killed him with my laser firing it into his eyes, and then we teleported into dubai and started wrecking havoc. We managed to capture a Cameraman who was recording the event,before he could be killed by scientist's sound blast i gave him headphones and then he was captured by the black skibidi mutant. (No ones POV:Little did he know that a cameraman recorded him destroying the base).

TV Woman's POV:Everyone gathered around the large TV Man and we witnessed the Brown Cameraman along with G-Toilet and The Scientist Toilet destroy a large camera base before Brown swiftly and suddenly appeared to kill the cameraman who was recording and blasted him with his new laser. right after large tv man stopped playing the video everyone was silent, Titan Cameraman was sad that one of his brethren joined the enemy side, Camerawoman just started sobbing, Plunger felt guilty that he was saved instead of him and I just teleported away to my room. When I teleported I just felt something inside me. I felt like I wanted to get him back and keep him with me,I wanted to love him again. Next time he appears I will make sure he is with me again.

(As you guys can see I got some inspiration from Brown Cameraman Villain Arc Scrapped by SkibidiBoy)

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