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The week was impatient, Jessi worked hard and diligently on suits and dresses of all the orders that came in. Terry wandered in Thursday afternoon, bringing her lunch. Flipping the sign to, 'closed,' behind him he sat with Jessi upstairs in her apartment. Enjoying her presence.

"How is your day, Jessi?" He smiled.

Jessi grinned, "It's busy but it's good. How is your day?"

"Better since I'm here with you now. Would you like to come over tomorrow evening after class? Would you be alright spending the weekend with me?" He asked.

Her eyes widened, looking up at him she chuckled, "Um, yeah. That would be great, yeah," Terry's heart fluttered, happy that she wanted to be there with him.

They finished lunch, it wouldn't have been an exit without Terry wrapping his arms tight around Jessi's waist, hands wandering to cup her ass in the leggings she wore, kissing her deeply.

Jessi was excited and happy, her heart felt full as it fluttered in her chest. She had fallen for Terry, wholly. Excited for the next day, she set herself back to work, diligently toiling away.

That evening, Terry facetimed Jessi, she was excited to hear from him. He was sitting in bed, his hair was messy, having just showered, Jessi grinned at her little screen, she sat in a robe at her easel, waiting to get tired, finishing a painting.

"I'm looking forward to having you over this weekend, Jessi," he smiled. God, that smile melted her.

The robe she wore was halfway tied, slumping off one shoulder, Terry loved watching her paint, even if it was on a small screen, "You're so beautiful, Jessi, I feel so lucky to have you."

Jessi was a woman of few words, she was quiet, but happy that she found the yin to her yang.

"I'm the lucky one, Terry," she smiled, working away on her waterfall, "What do we have planned?"

"There's a charity auction at my house tomorrow afternoon, Eva Garcia will be here, I'd love to have you here. Maybe bring a pretty dark blue dress? I'd love to see you in blue," his lips curled.

"I can do that, I have several blue dresses, actually, how about I bring a few and you can choose for me?" She glanced at her phone, a coy smile stretched her lips.

The conversation went on for another hour before Jessi started to climb into bed, Terry enjoyed the little show she gave him as she slipped her robe off, she was fully nude underneath.

"You minx," he said darkly, watching her, salivating. They could hardly wait until the next day, when they would be wrapped around each other, groping, squeezing and kissing every inch of each other's bodies.

The following day seemed to inch by Terry couldn't wait to see Jessi and Jessi couldn't wait to see Terry.

Once the clock cooperated, Jessi slipped into a pair of leggings and tank top, preparing for her karate lesson. Before she could grab her shoes her phone began to rang, it was Terry, stating he was at her door. She giggled and let him in. He hadn't changed out of his gi, taking her lips with his as soon as she opened the door, lifting her, Jessi's legs wrapping around his waist as he slammed her against a nearby wall.

Terry breathed low against her lips, "How about this be your training for the day?" He purred.

Jessi nodded, a smirk on her face, nipping at his neck. Taking her to her room he bent her over the bed, slowly pushing her leggings down, running his fingers up and down her wet heat, he reveled in the instant response her body made to him. Tossing his belt on the bed he shoved his gi pants down, springing free his hardened member.

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