Chapter 3:

11 0 2

Previously on PAW Patrol

Alright let's do this thing! I said.

Yeah! Everyone else said.

Rubble jumped.

Rubble No! I started but it was to late.

The ground below rubble started cracking.

Oops, he said.

eh thats what we were gonna do anyway now, I started

RUNNNNNN!!! I yelled

Me, Ellie And zuma ran one way while everyone else ran the other.

Skye went after the other pups while flying so she could lift them up.

Me, Ellie and Zuma had no other choice.

We looked at the falling wall and then the water and then eachother.

I suggest we jump, I said.

Yep, there is no way we are out running that, Ellie said.

We all jumped off the 100 feet tall wall into the bay.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! We all screamed.

Leos POV:

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! We continued screaming.


*smacking water hard sound effect*



*Concrete cracking*

Owwwwwww, I said looking around.

W-whewe awe we? Zuma asked.

I think we drifted out to sea, Ellie said.

Makes sense we did just break the dam, I said.

Look! An island!, Zuma said.

We began to swim.

Uh oh, SHARKS! I yelled.

We swam faster and in about 20 seconds we had swam a half mile to the island.

we got on it and fell to the ground panting.


Skyes POV: I had caught everyone else but then I looked back.

Uhhhh g-guys? I started.

Where's zuma, Ellie and leo? I said.

Oh no... Chase started.

nooo it can't be... Rocky said.

They're gone..... Rubble said.

I have an idea, Rocky we need a tool belt like we had when the lookout went to space, Chase said.

ahhh he's so smart and cute! I thought.

Rocky made the belt.

Hey where's everest? Chase asked.

Behind you! Everest said.

Chase jumped 5 feet in the air.

Everyone but chase laughed.

They all jumped in the belt and I lifted them up.

We then went across the ocean.


Leos POV:

We were all thinking for a bit before...

Aha! Zuma said.

What? Me and Ellie asked.

We need a Flawegun, zuma said.

how could we make one? I asked.

Hmmm, Zuma said.

I looked around and saw a car.

There! I said.

What is an old caw gonna do? Zuma asked.

Not the car its self but the gas tank! I said.

I went over and found the gas tank.

Surprisingly there is a full tank of gas! I said

I lifted it out with my telekinesis.

We need to contain it will Ellie's force field and then explode it in the air! I said.

How can we explode it? Zuma asked.

It needs to be heated up, I said.

I saw a blowtorch on the ground.

perfect! I said.

Okay Ellie put your force field around it.

Ellie sat down and moved her paws around and created a force field ball.

She put it around the tank.

I used my telekinesis to grab the gas tank with one paw and the blowtorch with the other.

I turned it on and lifted them both up about 200 feet in the air.

I moved the blowtorch closer until...


we all yelped from the loud noise exploding our ear drums


Skyes POV:

Over there! I said pointing to an explosion.

Yes! We found them chase said pointing to an island.


Total Words: 482

Leo x Ellie: The beginningWhere stories live. Discover now