And So It Begins

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"I can't believe Haruku got put into E class." "I know their goes another student." "Hope she has fun with the other dropouts." "I feel bad for the next person that has to sit in her seat."

 "Why am I going to E? I was perfect I had the best grades, top scores. I had it in good with the student council and the teachers. Even the principal. So how?" In front of me was the notice telling me I was being sent to E class. The end class. My report card had straight hundreds on it so why am I getting stuck with the dropouts. Did I do something wrong? Is this a dream? The other students conversations' echoed in mind like cold ice.

Well that's it. I'm done for.....

A few days later....

I took in a deep breath as I opened the door to the end class or what most people call it E class. When I walked inside it seemed like a normal run down classroom with your some what normal students. It's already been 3 days since I started going to E class and I have no friends. Nothing. All I have is a single purpose besides learning in this class and that is to assassinate are teacher.

Your probably wondering, "why would you want to kill your teacher?" Well he's no average teacher he's a. "Good morning everyone"! Yelled are teacher. I slowly sat down in my seat as the class settled down. That's right he's a slimy octopus that's big, round, and yellow that can travel at Moch 20. He even blew up half the moon and guess what he'll do next, that's right the hole planet. Though he's not a easy target that's for sure.

 2 Days earlier....

My legs were shaking my head was spinning. Was I really in front of class E? In front of me was a run down campus with broken wood and cracked windows and what looked to be a slanted roof. Complete BS their is know way they can make a student like me learn in a place like this! I sighed as I walked into the small building. I walked down the old hallway till I made it to a sliding door. I took in a deep breath as I slowly opened the door. It was so normal looking except for the old flooring and the hanging lights on the ceiling it was normal. The students talked to each other as I walked over to a empty seat I the back.

Okay normal so far. I hung my bag over the side of my desk as I sighed. What will the teachers be like? Foot steps filled the hall as they grabbed everyone's attention and to my surprise a tall man held a gun and a woman holding a chart with a strict looking man at the end and in the center was are teacher. "Everyone I am Mr.Karasuma I'm part of the military and this is no joke. I will be asking you to kill this inhuman species." Everyone's jaw dropped to the floor as some whispered to one another. "This man is very powerful and can move at Moch 20. This man is the man that blew up half the moon! We have caught him but the only thing that is able to harm them are these." He held up a green knife and a BB gun that both had white writing on them. "These objects are harmless for us humans but to him they are deadly.

For unknown reasons he has asked us to let him be your teacher. Though he will not heart anyone of you while you try to kill him. But the real reason why we are asking him to do this is because in one year he will destroy earth." Everyone in the class jumped out their seats till a thug looking guy in the back said, "what's in it for us if we kill the damn thing?" "10 billion yen." Everyone sat back down with a little bit of determination as the guns and knives were passed out. "And this is all true children I will destroy you all in a year but if you don't want that to happen you have to kill me first though it's not like any of that will every happen!"

And that's how I got stuck here in this mess of 10 billion yen. And not to mention this assassination classroom. Let's see how well this goes.......

- I do not own Assassination Classroom or any of it's characters I only own my own characters I create like Haruku. Also I don't own the picture at the top that's what I think Haruku looks like....Sorry for shortness I got lazy...

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