A Gun And A Knife

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 I sat in the back with my hand on the small BB gun I was given. Are teacher acted so strange for something about to blow up the earth. He just taught. It was mind boggling. Why the heck would he teach so well? Why help us at all? Is he pestering us?  It's been annoying me for the past two days. "And once you get the fraction to standard form you then." Are teacher was cut off by thee shot of my BB gun firing at him. I stood up straight and aimed the gun for his head and shot three times in a row. 

 "Very good Ms.Akagi but that was a little to slow." Said are. Teacher I looked around the room to see he was right be hind me with a small bullet between his chalk. "What the...."  I said flabbergasted. Everyone in the room looked somewhat confused and baffled. "Now Ms.Akagi I will have to ask you to hand over the gun." Said are teacher while putting his slimy tentacle out. My hands started to shack as I slowly handed over the gun. 

 "You see kids this is no joke I really can move at mach 20 so please when trying to kill me don't think an sneak attack like that will work." Are teacher is way to strange. He's huge with a giant round yellow head and two small eyes and a huge smiling mouth. And his tentacles really annoy me for some reason. I sighed as I sat back down in my seat.My first assassination attempt failed. 

 And Then It was Lunch

 The small bell above the class door rang symbolizing it was lunch. "Alright class I'll be back I just have to head to Mexico real quick." Said Mr.Teacher before he flew out the window. "Wait how long would it take him to get to Mexico from here at mach 20?" Asked Isogai while counting on his fingers. "Maybe about 17 minutes?" Said Sugino. (Author's note: I don't know since wiki didn't say so no quoting me on that) "It would take 16 minutes actually. You were a minute off." I said aloud. Everyone looked at me again surprised. I would to just to be fair. I don't really talk or say anything and odds are they don't know my IQ or grades so. 

 I'm just one of them to everyone in this assassination classroom. "How did you know that?!" Asked Isogai in a surprised tone. I looked up from my lunch and stuttered. "I-I'm just really good at math that's all." A girl across from me walked over to my desk. She had short green hair and bronzed colored eyes. She also short. The first thing that came from her mouth was, "good you don't have big boobs." The class had a few chuckles and some whispered. My face turned bright red. "W-what are you talking about?!" "Oh nothing. Anyway I'm Kaede!" She said in a happy tone. I looked at here for a minute. Out of everyone to talk to me it was her. I was surprised at first but a rush of happiness came over me as I smiled a little.

 "I-I'm Haruku." I replied. Kaede smiled as she called over a blue haired boy. "Hey Nagisa this is Haruku. And Haruku this is Nagisa!" I looked over to the blue haired boy. At first I was confused since I new he was a boy but his hair was in very pigtails but even so he nice light blue eyes and wore a small dark blue vest with pants and a buttoned shirt underneath. "Hello." He said waving to me. I smiled a said, "Hi!" "Right then now that introductions are done can I ask you to be are friend?" Asked Kaede. I looked from here to Nagisa who's face was a little surprised. I waited a second then  a minute and gulped. I took a deep breath and said, "Sure I'd love to be your friend." Kaede beamed and chuckled as Nagisa started to smile.

 Out of everyone in the class these were my first friends but for some reason no matter how crazy they are I'm really happy. I can't put my finger on it though but I'm happy. 

And Then Lunch Ended

 Mr. Teacher flew through the window and landed perfectly at his desk as papers flew around and dust lingered. "Hello again class please take your seats the next lesson is starting." I sat in the back looking at are teacher. I was so annoyed by him that it wasn't even funny. His smile his attitude, his everything. I looked over to Kaede then Nagisa but they weren't really paying much attention. I sighed as I opened up my text book. "This is going to be a long year." I muttered to myself........


 Heeow~ it's meh the writer. Sorry about not putting out another chapter for so long but I've been A: lazy, and B: procrastinating. Then when I started typing I got bored and then it was my B-day and then I played Xenoblade for a full two days and now I'm back. (This chapter isn't the best sorry)                                                                                                                                                                                       -Timcanpy132

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2015 ⏰

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