Chapter 1: Scavenging Murder Items

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(After the last time, Thundercloud was starting to get worried and scared at the same time as this game because it wasn't any normal game to her.)

(Daily Life, Day 1)

Thundercloud: Oh man. A killing game? What is this orb on? Why am I a part of this? (Springs out of bed) Well, whatever, I just need to make sure that nothing ever happens.

(Thundercloud went over to the bathroom and washed her face but noticed something)

Thundercloud: Huh? There's a vent in here? That's odd.

???: I know, right?

(As Thundercloud saw, familiar face popped out of the vent)

Thundercloud: STONEHENGE?!

Stonehenge: Yep, that's me. (Jumps out of the vent) Here in the flesh.

(Stonehenge then licked her, which made her laugh a lot)

Stoney: How are you holding up?

Thundercloud: Nothing more than me being stressful of this game.

Stonehenge: OH, Well, don't worry, you have allies and me by your side, so you have no problem with getting out of here alive.

Thundercloud: Yeah. Thanks.

Stonehenge: No problem. (Hops back in the vent) Now, I'm going to go spy on other people. See ya!!

(As Stonehenge left, Thundercloud headed out and went to spend her free time. Her first location was the library)

Thundercloud: Maybe one of the ghost types wants to hang out with me.

(As Thundercloud entered the library, she pulled out a book and read it to the first page, but she saw a familiar purple claw that lowered her book)

Thundercloud: Oh, Gemeye.

Gemeye: Yeah, that's me. What are you doing back in here?

Thundercloud: I was wondering if you want to hang out for the day.

Gemeye: Alright, I'm game.

(As Gemeye said, Thundercloud and him chatted about how their lifestyles were back in their regions, and surprisingly, Gemeye was one of Sidney's Pokémon in the Elite 4)

Thundercloud: So, you were part of the Elite 4. And a Master Battler.

Gemeye: Yep. I took out Starlia's Pokemon.

Thundercloud: Who?

Gemeye: She's a trainer who is also hailed from Hoenn. If I can recall her team... she had a:
And a Ninetales
That's all I can remember, but I beat her Pokémon multiple times before...well, she got me back with Ninetales' Inferno and burned me, straight to my fainting and advanced onto the next one.

Thundercloud: Oh, that must've been rough for you. But, hey, at least you battled a lot.

Gemeye: Yeah. Anyway, thanks for letting me hang out with ya.

Thundercloud: No problem. See ya.

(Friendship with Gemeye has increased)

(As Thundercloud left the library, she headed to the Aether Park where she saw Abby)

Thundercloud: Hey, Abby!!

Abby: Huh? Oh, you're that Thundercloud girl from yesterday. So, what did you need?

Thundercloud: I was wondering... what are you up to?

Abby: Just nothing, I suppose.

(Thundercloud caught a glimpse of a Jewel on Abby's Horn-like-sycthe)

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