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As the 141 made their way through the city streets, they couldn't help but feel the weight of their mission. They knew they were on an unusual assignment, and they were determined to do everything in their power to ensure the safety of the foreign king and his family, especially the princess. The day of their arrival was highly anticipated by the entire country, and cameras were everywhere, ready to capture every moment. As they walked behind the princess and her family, they felt the pressure of the attention, but they were ready. They had been trained for difficult situations like this, and they would do whatever it took to keep the princess safe.

As Alesha walked down the crowded street, she couldn't help but notice the four soldiers in uniform who were walking behind her. They were tall and imposing, with serious expressions on their faces. Despite their presence, Alesha couldn't help but feel at ease, knowing that they were there to protect her and her family. She turned and smiled at them, acknowledging their presence before turning back to wave at the cheering crowd.

The 141 marched steadily through the bustling streets, their heavy armor clanging against the cobblestones. Gaz and Price took the lead, two massive figures in black, their faces hidden behind gas masks. Ghost, ever stoic, watched over Alesha's mother with a watchful eye. Soap, the ever-alert sniper, followed behind Alesha's father, his gaze scanning the rooftops. Mason brought up the rear, his eyes never leaving Alesha. It was clear that these men were the elite of the elite, and Alesha could not feel safer in their presence. Princess Alesha continued her stroll, smiling and waving to the crowds as she moved forward with her parents. She could see the four Task 141 soldiers walking protectively around them, their eyes scanning the crowd and their hands on their weapons. Despite their serious demeanor, Alesha felt a sense of comfort knowing that they were constantly watching over her safety.As Alesha approached the entrance to Buckingham Palace, she felt a sense of awe and wonder wash over her. The massive palace loomed above her, a symbol of royalty and tradition that had stood the test of time. She couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at this moment, as she was not only representing her family but also her entire country.

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