Chapter 2

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Princess Alesha walked past the three princes, her eyes glued to the book in her hands, they were left in awe of her beauty. The princes could see her beauty, but their fear of rejection was stopping them from introducing themselves. The one with thick glasses, who stuttered when he spoke, took a deep breath and tried to gather up the courage to say something, but his voice caught in his throat, making him seem even more awkward. The thinner prince with blonde hair and a small beard was just as awestruck, but still unsure of what to say.

In the meantime, Alesha was completely unaware of their presence, completely engrossed in the fantasy world in the book in her hands. Princess Alesha continues to read her book, engrossed in the world of her story and completely oblivious to the fact that she has just walked past three princes, who stand in awe of her beauty and grace. She walks slowly down the long hallway, her eyes focused on the pages, lost in the world of her own imagination. The princes, stunned by her elegance and self-assurance, take a moment to regroup before making their presence known. They follow her at a distance, not wanting to interrupt her peaceful reading. The three princes watch her walk by, feeling defeated. The prince with the glasses says, "Wow, she is beautiful! We should introduce ourselves to her."

"I don't know about that, she has a squad of highly trained soldiers following her around." The thin prince says. "It is quite impressive."

"I think I will try to talk to her. I just hope that she will talk back." The blonde prince says. Alesha pauses to read the room, scanning the three princes with a sharp and analytical gaze. Upon sensing they haven't been dismissed, she drops her book to her side and turns to face them directly, offering a polite yet firm response. "Are you done staring? It's quite rude to stare." She tilts her head ever so slightly, as if daring them to challenge her.

The three princes look at her and stand still. Once they realize that she is looking at them, the Prince with the glasses stammers, "N..No we were just ... we.. uh.." The second prince is not able to speak. And the third prince, the blonde, has a nervous twitch as he is embarrassed. Princess Alesha's words snapped the princes out of their stunned state. She slowly closed her book and looked up at them. "I'm sorry if my words seemed harsh. It's just that I was engrossed in my book and did not notice you there. How can I assist you?" she asked politely, not realizing their previous admiration. The three princes stare at her. The one with glasses clears his throat.

"We just wanted to introduce ourselves and to tell you how beautiful and elegant you are." He says. "My name is Prince Richard. I wanted to introduce my brother, Prince Edward. He is the shorter one."

Prince Edward is shaking and nervous. Prince Richard slaps him on the back to make him talk.

"Yeah, I'm Prince Edward and it is a pleasure to meet you, princess." Prince Edward stammers.

She nods at them, smiles slightly, and looks towards the other prince. "And who are you?" she asks calmly, tilting her head slightly. "Oh, me? Im Prince James. Prince James the third." The third prince says. "It is a pleasure to meet you, princess." All the three are waiting for her to respond. They are waiting to see what her reaction is. They hope that she would notice them too. As Princess Alesha looks at the three princes, she realizes with a smile that they must be the sons of the king. She greets them warmly, "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm the Princess Alesha from the Kingdom of UK. You're the sons of the King? " Alesha's friendly tone and inquisitive gaze show her interest in getting to know them better. The three of them look at each other and smile.

"Yes, we are." Says Prince Richard.

"So, princess. We heard that your visit is a possible chance for you to find a husband." Prince James says.

Prince Edward looks away, as he doesn't have the confidence to talk to a beautiful woman like her.

"I understand that this is merely a formality, but I just wanted to let you know that my heart is not in it. My parents and yours have arranged for me to stay here for several months to find a suitable husband, but I do not intend to take it seriously," Princess Alesha said, sighing deeply. Despite this, the princess remained polite and maintained her poise as she continued to engage in conversation with the princes.

The three princes look at each other. Prince Richard nods at his brothers.

"It isn't always easy to find a lover, princess." Prince Richard says to her. "Finding one that would be compatible as your future husband and being attracted and in love must be tough."

Prince Edward nods along, but continues to look away as his nervousness continues. Prince James the third also nods and stares at her while Prince Richard speaks to her.

Princess Alesha gave a polite bow and thanked them for their time, "Indeed your are right.... Anyways, It was a pleasure meeting you, Your Highnesses. I'd like to get back to my reading now, excuse me." She smiled brightly before turning and walking down the hallway, her book still clutched tightly to her chest. The princes watched her go, intrigued by her beauty and grace, wondering what kind of story she was reading to have piqued her interest more than their presence.


Prince Richard calls out to her.

The other two princes nod along quietly.

"May I help escort you back to your room, princess? I thought I would walk with you to show you a bit more of the castle. I could show you our personal library there." Prince Richard says.

Prince Edward stays silent and Prince James nods.

"Of course! Lead the way," she says politely, her eyes lighting up as she chuckles slightly and begins to walk. Prince Richard, with a confident smile, walks her through the castle.

He shows her the library, the banquet hall and many more areas. He shows her the portraits of the Kings and Queens from the past. He shows her the armor that was used to be worn by knights long ago.

Prince Edward and Prince James are also walking along, smiling at her beauty.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2023 ⏰

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