2.8K 84 49

 A/N: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU You guys are all amazing! As promised I have a 1K read special :D (shoutout to @Clieo_Whiteshadow for suggesting the 500 read special :) For any of you who read my 500 read special, this is kind of along the same lines, but instead of Scotty's misbehaving technology age-regressing member's of the enterprise, it's a foster care AU with Child!Kirk, Bones, Spock, Uhura, Carol Marcus, Galia, and Chekov. I hope you guys like it :)

Pike sighed and ran a hand through his silvering hair. All children caught colds, he got it, but dealing with a sick half-vulcan, (or more, dealing with his extremely concerned best friend) was not the easiest.

"No Jim, you can't go talk to Spock. He's asleep and he needs his rest" Pike argued to the five-year-old Jim Kirk sitting on his lap.

"but when I'm sick, you let Spock come see me!" -that was because Spock's heightened immune system rarely, if ever failed to protect Spock from a simple terran cold, but Pike couldn't explain that to Jimmy- "So you gotta let me go see him! I won't get sick, I promise!"

"It doesn't work that way Jimmy" Pike said, picking James up off his lap and setting him on the ground.

James pouted, unhappy both from being separated from Pike's lap and being banned from visiting his best friend. Flouncing past Pike and up the hardwood stairs to the second floor, James proudly sat sentry outside his best friend's bedroom door.

Pike sighed again and stood up. If the kid wanted to sit outside the door and wait out every minute Spock was sick, he'd let him, he wasn't doing any harm anyway, and Pike had other things to attend to.

Half an hour later when Pike went to check on said ill half-vulcan, he found James leaned against the wall inches from the door, seemingly asleep. Pike smiled to himself as he opened the door, careful to open it slowly to prevent any squeaking.

It was then as if young James had been electrocuted. He leapt to his tiny feet at alarming speed and made a mad dash for the open door.

"Oh no you don't!" Pike cried, throwing his arms around James' waist and lifting him off the ground.

Jim tried to wiggle himself free, but Pike wouldn't budge. Carrying him out of the open door, he caught a glimpse of Spock, half-awake, rubbing his eyes and wondering what all the ruckus was about.

Pike carried Jim down the stairs and set him on the couch, pointing a finger threateningly his direction,

"Don't move from this spot until I get back, you hear?" he demanded. James crossed his arms and huffed a reply, unhappy that his plan was so easily thwarted.

Pike trusted that, even though Jim could be a bit of a troublemaker, he wouldn't disobey a direct order like that, and was fairly confident he could check on Spock with no more disasters.

When Pike returned downstairs, James slid off the couch and followed him to the kitchen.

"Can I take him soup?" James asked, "Sick people get soup!"


"Can I bring him more blankets? He might be cold"


James sighed exasperatedly "Can I do ANYTHING?"

"No" Pike said simply. James made an irritated noise, and stood contemplating for a moment, before seemingly having a genius idea and rushing up the stairs without a word to Pike.

Pike simply shook his head and prayed James didn't do anything ridiculous.

Kirk, after reaching the top of the stairs, toddled towards the playroom. The walls were a light shade of green, and it was a sea of playthings. 

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