Chapter 7: The Lemurian Star

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2 Years Later...


It's been two years since the Battle of New York, which is what people like to call it. I've kept close contact with the Avengers in case they ever needed us. I still work with SHIELD with Natasha and Clint. I'm currently at a coffee shop with a friend.

Stan Lee: So, what has been going on for the past week?

"Nothing much. Just been during regular things at SHIELD. I'm just waiting for Natasha. She told me we have a mission."

I drank my coffee when I saw a car pull up. The window is rolled down and I see Natasha and Steve.

Natasha: Hey, fellas.

"Hey, Nat."

I look at Stan Lee.

"Got to go."

I pulled out my wallet and gave him the money to pay for the coffee.

Stan Lee: Tell me what happened next time we meet.

"Will do."

I entered the car.

Steve: Who's the man?

"A friend."

I smiled at him, and we drove off.

3rd POV:

Y/N, Natasha, and Steve are flying over the Indian Ocean the duo is with SHIELD agents, led by Brock Rumlow.

Brock: The target is a mobile satellite launch platform: The Lemurian Star. They were sending up their last payload when pirates took them, 93 minutes ago.

Steve: Any demands?

Brock: A billion and a half.

Y/N: Jesus.

Steve: Why so steep?

Brock: Because it SHIELD's.

Y/N: That is true.

Steve: So, it's not off-course, it's trespassing.

Natasha: I'm sure they have a good reason.

Steve: You know, I'm getting a little tired of being Fury's janitor.

Natasha: Relax, it's not that complicated.

Y/N: Let's see how long that lasts.

Steve: How many pirates?

Brock: Twenty-five, top mercs, led by this guy. Georges Batroc.

He shows them a photo of Batroc on the monitor.

Brock: Ex-DGSE, Action Division. He's at the top of Interpol's Red Notice. Before the French demobilized him, he had thirty-six kill missions. This guy's got a rep for maximum casualties.

Steve: Hostages?

Brock: Uh...mostly techs. One officer, Jasper Sitwell.

He pulls up Sitwell's photo on the monitor.

Brock: They're in the galley.

Steve: What's Sitwell doing on a launch ship? Alright, I'm gonna sweep the deck and find Batroc. Nat, you'll kill the engines and wait for instructions. Rumlow, you sweep aft, find the hostages, get them to the life-pods, get 'em out. Let's move.

Brock: STRIKE, you heard the Cap. Gear up.

As they are getting ready to dive off the jet, Steve talks on his coms.

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