2. World Wide Crisis

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Ethan was freaking out, not only because he knew what he was. But also because it should be impossible.
He is in a pokémons body.
He barely knew about the games and shows. He played a bit of the first and second gen games as a kid, stumbled on a comic here and there, but was never a devout fan.

He kind of wished he was, now. He recognized this pokémon only from its unique look that was painted on box-art and has multiple plushies made after it. The name is short and simple.

Suffice to say, Ethan knew this was a popular character. Or pokémon. That made it even more apparent how screwed he was.
He had no idea why this happened. He had no idea how. But he guessed it focused mainly on the symptoms he noticed early on. Irritation, sickness, and nausea.

Did the others who feel this way also get turned into pokémon? How does he turn back? He can't go around like this for the rest of his life!

Ethan knew how screwed he would be if he ever got discovered like this. Fans would probably do whatever to get their hands on him just because of his form. He knows how the story would go. He couldn't -

Bang! bang! bang!

"ETHAN?! Ethan, PLEASE tell me you're in there. We need to leave, NOW!" His co-workers screams shook him from his already deep - anxiety inducing - thoughts. He jumped, tumbling backward, and fell onto the ground with a loud thud. His heart beat rapidly as his co-workers panicked calls doubling as the doorknob turned.
"Are you alright?! Ethan, I'm coming in -"

The door was swung open before he could react. Ethan was now in full view of the other. This was the worst possible thing to happen as they stared directly at each other. Processing what happened.
The other screamed. Quickly backing up before tripping on his feet.

"WHAT THE FUCK - nonono this can't be happening - PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!" The other cried, blocking his head with his arms with eyes screwed shut. Waiting for the impending doom that was never to come. Which would be hilarious in hindsight considering how the taller man was terrified of a short, pink, fluffy, and harmless mew. But it made sense when thinking further.
Ethan could almost laugh in relief at the other. They didn't know what he was. It would seem. What he saw was a practically alien species.

However, Ethan could only think about how he was terrifying his co-worker. Just by sitting there. Which wasn't something he wanted, nor took joy in.

Ethan tried to say things like, 'it's okay!' 'I won't hurt you!' But all that came out were the pokémon cries from the games. Animalistic and incomprehensible to anyone who wasn't a pokémon, it would seem.
Ethan felt guilt surge through him as the other just seemed to shake more, sobs wracking his body.
I did not sign up for this today.. he internally thought, padding up to his co-worker. Ethan placed his.. paw... onto the others leg, letting it rest there to offer support.

It took a while, but the other was able to calm down, deep harsh breaths coming from him as he realized he wasn't dying. Ethan wasn't attacking him.
"Y-yo-u're nice..?" He stammered, taking final gulps of air before finally lowering his arms to reveal a tear filled face. Ethan just wordlessly nodded.
"B-bu-ut the othe-rs.. oh god!"

Ethan, now able to fully see the guy, recognized him as the one to cover Ethan when he needed to step back. He was so glad he did take a step back. The male in front of Ethan is twenty nine year old Robin Lester. Odd name, but nice guy.
"The-ere was so - SO much blood - oh god, we can't stay here. Oh god, I hope Ethan can forgive me for leaving like this - god, where even IS he?" He rambled before Robin picked up the mew standing in front of him - Ethan - and ran for it.

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