Daisies & Clavicles

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It was nearly sunrise when the roosters from the barn began to sing. The sun started to creep into Draco's bedroom windows, which woke him up softly. The blond yawned and stretched his arms, slowly getting out of his bed. He walked through his bedroom doorway yawning and exhausted. He had hardly slept last night, spending most of his time tossing and turning around in his bed.

Draco walked down the hall, into his living room, and towards his front door. He grabbed the knitted jacket that was sat on a nearby chair and slipped on a pair of shoes, before turning the doorknob and starting towards the barn, hearing the cows mooing before he got to the doors.

"Good morning everyone," He said with a smile. The cows seemed to cheer up as Draco heading over to grab the mixture of corn and oats he had gotten a week prior. After unlocking the small door that kept the cows in their pens, he began to pour the mixture into each of the cow's own feeding containers, before giving his cattle a smile and slipping back out the barn door.

Once Draco had gotten back inside the house, he set some white bread into his toaster, before heading off to get dressed. He grabbed a pair of dirty overalls that was thrown in a corner of his room along with a yellowed buttondown shirt. As the blond was putting on his socks, he could hear the pop of the toaster in the next room over. Grabbing the toast, he headed back for the front door, slipping on his walking shoes as he took a bite.

Outside the door was a wooden rocking chair that he had found at an antique shop when he had first moved in. Sat in the chair was a pillow usually used to support his aching back after a long day, along with a woven baske (full with bottles of milk from his cows), which Draco grabbed as he walked by.

Draco listened to the birds chirp while walking down the path outside his cottage, down the road towards town. As per usual on the first day on spring, there was a farmers market in the middle of the community, where most of the shops were located. He had ran low on food, finishing his last loaf this morning and eating the remainder of eggs last night for his supper.

As he grew closer to the market, the sounds of friendly chit-chat filled the air. Draco had a few promises to fill, needing to drop off milk to some people in town in return for their goods. Four bottles for Mrs. Smith in return for two loaves of white and a loaf of her pumpkin chocolate chip bread, which Draco seemed to be obsessed with as of recently, three bottles for her neighbor, an older man who owned chickens and had two cartons of eggs with the blond's name on them, and a dozen for the lady who lived above the boutique on Main, who's sister canned for a living and delivered her fruits and vegetables through her.

"Good morning!" He was greeted by a kind face, waving from behind the stand closest to him. He smiled back and waved with his free hand as he continued on, heading towards his first stop with Mrs. Smith.

"Draco!" He was greeted with a hug and a smile from her after knocking on her door. She ushered him inside, per usual, and left him alone in the sitting room as she ran off into the kitchen. Her house was full of older furniture from her mother, all of which had a story behind it that had been shared with him at one point or another. He looked around the sitting room, taking in his surroundings, before sitting down in a chair that matched his shirt.

"Here we are! Two loaves of white, a loaf of pumpkin chocolate chip, and a small thank you present!" She placed down her basket onto his lap, before finding a seat herself across from Draco.

"Oh Mrs. Smith, you don't have to give me a thank you, it's really no problem at all, I enjoy my visits," Draco said, smiling at her.

"Dorris, dear, you know my name is Dorris. And nonsense! You make this trip weekly, this is the least I could do for you." She nudged him, pushing him to look underneath the loaves. Like she promises, there were two large loaves, a smaller loaf besides them, and a small bundle of cloth tied with string. He picked it up gently, unwrapping it and looking at the handkerchief.

"This is beautiful, thank you so much Dorris." Draco sat the basket down onto her hardwood floors, before standing to give her a hug. He put the hand embroidered cloth into his shirt pocket after the embrace, before picking his two baskets back up. Draco held them both in one hand as he grabbed Mrs. Smith's bottles of milk, grabbing the two that he had promised and handing them off to her.

Draco had only stepped inside Dorris' house, while he waited outside at his other two stops, even though Gerdie, short for Gertrude, tried with no success to get him inside to gossip about her neighbors while dropping off her dozen. Now, Draco wouldn't have to leave the house and come back into town until next week to check in again with Dorris, since now that it was getting warmer outside, he could soon begin to plant his crops and such.

Draco began the walk back to his little cottage, looking at all the different types of flowers as he go by. The nearby farms planted many things, but one of his favorites to walk by was his "next door" neighbors, who mainly planted strawberries and flowers. Her daisies had just bloomed a few days ago, which made the air smell sweet. He looked up, further into the field and onto the porch of the farmhouse, where he could see who he presumed to be his neighbor sat in one of the rocking chairs. Draco waved, attempting to be friendly with the woman he had hardly met before, but weirdly she didn't wave back, causing him to just assume that he didn't see him.

The daisy field reminded him of Dorris. It was her favorite flower, and the flower that she brought along everytime she went to visit her son's grave. He had died young, just after his nineteenth birthday, which put only a three year age gap between her son and himself. Draco believed that Dorris saw her son in him, as they were both fairly reserved, a bit shy, and they both were near platinum blond; at least that's what Draco knew from the stories that he had heard about him.

Draco eventually got back to his farm, heading inside the cottage and beginning to unpack. He placed the jars and loaves of bread onto the kitchen table, the canned goods away in the pantry, and the eggs in the fridge. The blond scanned the pantry, looking at his collection of food. He had canned peaches, corn, beans, peas, beets, pears, mushrooms, tomatoes, and pumpkin; almost everything that could be canned, he had. Then, on top of that, he have different soups and such stored above, on a smaller shelf, and baskets at the bottom of the storage system.

Once he was finished, he headed back into the living room before grabbing his knitting needles and yarn from his yarn basket, then sat down. He got himselves comfy on the couch, which was a light green with yellow accents. He leaned against his plaid pillow and covered himselves with a cozy blanket, and began to keep working on his sweater. After awhile, Draco started to get closer to the end of his spool of white yarn. He leaned over the end of the couch and peered into the basket, seeing that it was his last bit of white.

"Damn," he mumbled to himself. Even though he thought that he had gotten everything done today while he was out, he was going to have to go back into town tomorrow to get more yarn. There was no way he would go a whole week without knitting, not when he sold the sweaters for most of his pocket change. He gently set the half-finished sweater and needles back into the basket, then walked back to the bedroom.

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