Orchids & Fibulas

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AN: Heyyyy, sorry for this chapter being so late! Between this and the last update, I drove across the country and back and broke up with my partner of 2 years so it's been a hectic couple of weeks, but I hope the word count makes up for it! <3

"Holy shit."

Draco watched as his neighbor went limp, her body now slumped over his feet. His fingers let go of the knife and he let his hand fall beside him, watching as the blade hardly shifted in its place.

"Holy shit."

The knife was stopping most of the blood flow, but a fair amount was now running down the blade and dripping onto Draco. He watched as the liquid landed on his shirt almost rhythmically, staining the light material. His breath began to speed up as he slowly realized what he had done. His breath speeding up turned to hyperventilating, which turned to his breaths being shaky and hitched, before finally landing on big, fat sobs beginning to escape his mouth.

He let his tears fall down his face for a moment as he tried to regain his breathing. As soon as he felt like he had the energy too, Draco gave her body a shove and watched as it fell backward onto the grass. He was now free to move around, but the only effort he was able to give was to roll over onto his stomach, slowly get onto his hands and knees, and let himself empty his breakfast into the grass beneath him.

The blond held himself there for a few more moments, tasting the sourness of stomach acid that sat on his tongue and coated the back of his throat, before using his arms to push himself into a sitting position. Draco sat in the grass, just watching the body as his breathing slowly assumed its normal tempo.

"Holy shit," he repeated, eyes still locked on her, "I'm so sorry." He wiped his cheek, rubbing at the lines that the tears had left. Draco slowly brought himself to his feet, feeling weak from vomiting. He began to walk away from her, searching his brain for any sort of an idea of what to do.

"Betty." Draco heard a painful sound come from where he had just left his cattle, rushing over to check with her. He rounded the corner to see her now on the ground, grinding her teeth. He dropped to his knees and began petting the head of his cattle.

"Oh, Betty..." he mumbled, keeping his hand on her as he stared at her wound. "I'm so sorry. I'll fix this, you'll be better soon, I promise." Draco hugged her neck as much as he was able to, trying to comfort her even though she was in obvious pain.

"I'll be right back, okay?" Draco didn't know much about how to care for a cow's wound, but he knew that he needed to do something quickly. He gave her one last pat before he ran inside and began searching the bathroom. There was a first aid kit somewhere underneath one of the cupboards, most likely hidden behind the clean towels. Once Draco had found it, he ran back outside to Betty, who hadn't moved from her spot. Instead, now, Simon (another one of Draco's cows) was now on the ground next to her.

"Don't worry Simon, I'll fix her." He reassured the cow, half needing to hear the words himself. He began to apply pressure to the wound using a cloth and kept it in place with a wrap that was stuffed neatly into the kit. He slowly wrapped it around Betty's torso while Simon nuzzled her head as if to distract her.

Once the wrap was set into place properly, Draco pat her head once more, rubbing at the fur that lay on the base of her left ear.

"Simon," he spoke calmly and sweetly, "take care of her, alright?"

Simon mooed in acknowledgment and let his head lay up against Betty, seeming as if to understand Draco's words. Draco gave a final pat to the pair and began to get up, slowly making his way towards the side of his barn. Leaned up against the flaking and old wood and surrounded by tall grass at the wheels was his bike, the same one he had since year 8.

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