Book One: 17

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A few hours later kanato came out with a toothy grin on his face before he realized that Serena was asleep on the ground. He smiled a bit and kissed the top of her head before picking her in his arms making her curl up in his arms. He took them home as he placed his teddy on her as he carried her and his teddy back to her place. When he got half way there she woke up and blushed deep red as she saw that he was carrying her home.

"K-Kanato why didn't you wake me?" Serena asked confused

"I didn't want to wake you, you looked so adorable when you slept. Even if it was on the disgusting ground, which reminds me if you ever fall asleep on the ground again I'll just leave you there."

she frowned at him. "O-okay."

Kanato spoke to her about what he did only to have her not speak or look at him. He wondered what he did wrong, but he didn't questioned her there. He placed her on the porch when they got to her apartment and she instantly went inside not thanking him, it confused him. He knew she had manners so why wasn't she speaking to him? He went in after her and he saw that she was talking to Subaru and kana, afterwards she went to the kitchen to eat.

Kanato went towards the kitchen only to have Kana hold him back. He glared at her as held his teddy tightly. "Let go of me."

"No Subaru and I need to speak to you for a moment, its really important." Kana said seriously

He looked directly at her and glared at her. "what is it Kana?"

"Leave serena alone, stop giving her so much trouble from what I heard from Subaru and what Serena just told me you are nothing more than a grief giver!' kana said seriously

Kanato looked to the kitchen to see the back side of Serena and frowned before he looked to Kana and Subaru. "What did I do wrong? I thought that i was doing alright for once."

"Telling her that if she waits for you to get done feeding off of humans and she ends up sleeping on the ground again due to her waiting so long that you'll just leave her there?! are you stupid or something?! Serena was only thinking about your well being and you were more than rude to her by telling her that you'd just leave her on the ground as if she was nothing to you! Is that seriously how you repay someone who took time out of a date that you two were having to let you feed on humans?"Kana said seriously

He looked back to Serena to see that she was leaving the table and she did the dishes before she passed them to go to her room. She closed the door and Kanato looked down to his feet.

"She hates me again doesn't she?! She hasn't talked to me because she's afraid that she'll end up dead isn't she?!" kanato said sadly before he started to cry

Subaru rubbed between his eyes. "Even I know that you can't just leave a woman out like that. If you loved Serena enough you'd thank her and apologize for taking so damn long. She accepted being a vampire just to be with you, but you're acting just like Reiji or one of the two other's from your mother! She knew the risk of having you beside her, now are you willing to risk yourself to be around her?"

Kanato continued to sob as he placed his head into his teddy. "I really don't know! I hate this! I don't want to be here any-" He said before he bent down coughing blood

His eyes went wide as he saw the blood on the wooden floor, before he could speak he coughed up blood once again. Kana frowned as she saw what happening to Kanato, she wondered if it had anything to do with serena, so she went to check up on Serena only to see that she was forcing herself to throw up, and instead of throwing up food, she was throwing up blood which was making her paler than she was beforehand. She soon passed out cold on her bed which made kana's eyes wide.


Kanato got a hold of himself before he was able to see why kana was yelling Serena's name. He Froze as he saw the girl he loved passed out on her bed. He went towards her and he placed his teddy down before he cupped her in his arms. He kissed her forehead sadly.

"Serena, wake up."

She didn't move one bit. He furrowed his eyebrow's a bit before he started to shake her body.

"Don't do this to me! WAKE UP!!!!" Kanato yelled as he shook her body even harsher than before


Kanato looked down to her body and started to tear up again before he cried. "S-She can't be dead...S-She just can't be!"

Shattered to pieces, regretful, alone.....Those where the feelings going through Kanato Sakamaki as he realized that Serena couldn't stand how he had treated her that night. He really thought that he was doing good with making her happy, but no, he screwed up just by saying one thing to her. He wished so badly to rewind time and just keep that to himself, but he couldn't, she was gone for good and there wasn't anything he could do about it. He wanted so badly to hold her in his arms once again and have her tell him just how much she loved him, how much she'd do just to see him smile.

Petting the soft locks of his now dead girlfriend he knew he had to do something about how he treated her. Then it caught him that her clothes were all wrong unless she changed which he didn't see her clothes on the ground with the rest of her clothes. He placed the body down and he looked around curiously and carefully, something wasn't right. He knew he was alone due to the fact that Kana was taken out by Subaru because of what happened. So he looked around her room before looking outside of the room and he shook his head as he saw his beloved actually sitting on the small couch that was off of the room that Kana and Subaru were using.

"You really are a terrible girlfriend Serena." Kanato said as he sat beside her

"Am I really? I used a Mirror image spell to take my place just to see what you'd do in a situation as that. Let me ask you, if we were to go out again and I were to let you drink human blood again, would you seriously leave me for dead if i was just sleeping there waiting for you?" Serena asked as she didn't look up from her book.

He was quiet for a bit before he sighed and held his teddy tightly. "No....I wouldn't have. You mean a lot to me Rena, please don't be mad at me anymore."

"What makes you think that I am mad at you? You're the one who's calling me terrible when you're the terrible bastard. I was just trying to look out for you as any good girlfriend should. I love and adore you so damn much nothing in this world could ever make me turn on you Kanato. But, you need to realize that I'm never ever going to be some petty bitch that'll just take your shit." Serena said as she slammed her book shut and she glared at him.


She pulled on the collar of his shirt making him closer to her before she glared at him even more. "From now on you are to never ever make threats at me or I will take Subaru's knife and kill you when you sleep. Do you understand me Sakamaki?" she said coldly

He teared up as he looked to her. "Y-You'd really do that to me?!"

"Due to you threatening me more than once, yes, now its my turn to threaten you. so be a good boy or I'll have to go through with my threat." She said before she patted his cheek softly and getting up.

Serena went inside with her book making kanato follow her only to see her get rid of the Mirror image before she undressed herself and she placed her pajama's on. She then went to bed and placed her blanket over her, Kanato felt contemplated about what he could do. He took his shirt off before he lied beside her. He pulled her close to him before he kissed her neck softly.

"I love you." He said softly to her hoping she'd hear it

Of course he got no answer as he heard her snoring slightly. He closed his eyes and held her tightly as he cried himself to sleep, he thought he lost his girlfriend, but he didn't, she was alive and she was making him feel like crap for saying something that just came to him. He didn't think it would matter if he'd just leave her somewhere, she seem to know how to take care of herself so it didn't really matter right? He fell asleep with pain in his chest due to what had happened that night.

I hate that I love you [Diabolik Love story]Where stories live. Discover now