Intro Chapter ; The Story of a lost twin.

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"Ha good morning, Tigra did you sleep well little one." The old guy said as he takes his cigarette out of his mouth, greeting the young, lean lady. She is about 5.6 ft (1.71 m) tall with brown hair and streaks of orange running through it and a fiery brown death stare pair of eyes glancing at him. "How Many times do I have to say that I hate being called little one, I'm 19 now for god's sake. Oh well, how is the campfire going, Charlie." The older guy around his 40 laughs. "Good, good. Nobody is in sight, yet I think we lost them for now. We can finally take some well-deserved rest. How is Moon doing?" he says as he takes a big breath in, full of smoke from his cigarette. Tigra sighs and sits beside the old, short, grey-haired man called Charlie. For being in his forties he still looks very muscular but with his hair, stubble beard, and soulless expression you can tell he has seen a lot in this world. "She took quite a beating, I don't know if she will survive another ambush like th..." "We are still here so she will" He cuts her off. While putting his cigarette out on the tree trunk they are sitting on before talking again. "Look, I don't know much about her and her abilities, But what I do know is that we are still here. If she were to die, we would be in deep shit." "Why is that, isn't our timeline her last stop? At least that's What you roughly said." She says as she looks at the tent where Alexandria Moon is laying also known as the paradox moon. "To be frank not much is known of her, but her abilities are time-travel as far as she wants, making her a paradox in the timeline, maybe this is her last stop maybe not." he explains to Tigra. "Doesn't a power like that have major drawbacks" Tigra asks. "Of course it does, from what I gathered is that she lost all her memories of her previous self before her powers kicked in and that she has stopped aging at the age of 25. I don't know if you noticed the eye has started to create scars around it and is almost blind. I bet that has something to do with it as well. That's why I think this might be her final time travel." they both stare at the campfire for a while in the silence of the desert that once used to be a beautiful hillside full of greenery somewhere in the south of Spain.

"Charlie, while we wait, could you tell me more about my brother. You told me you would tell me when I am ready to know the truth. I think I am not ready to know what happened to him, but I need to know to be able to put reason in our next fights against that MONSTER." He sighs heavy. "You're right, well be prepared for a shitshow. I'll tell you the story where it all went into motion. As you know our story begins a thousand years ago roughly back then the whole world was different to this deserty world. Some parts were destroyed, but there was still greenery, oceans, life but most importantly hope."

{Year 3050}

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