One Night Wonder

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Luna walked into the bar with her  best friend, feeling slightly out of place but determined to enjoy herself. As she sat at the bar and ordered a drink, she noticed an exceedingly attractive man staring at her. Initially undecided whether to pursue the matter, she decided to wait and see if he would approach her. As she continued to sip her drink, her friend nudged her arm and nodded toward the man. Luna felt a rush of anticipation, and decided to see what would happen next. Her decision to go out was finally paying off. As Luna's friend slowly left her to dance while making out with some dude she just met , Luna turned her attention back to the stunning man who had earlier captured her attention.

The man who had been staring at Luna earlier suddenly stood up from his seat and made his way toward her. Luna's heart began to race with anticipation, as she met his gaze. She felt her stomach turn with nerves, as she tried to keep herself relaxed and composed. They both stood face to face, for what seemed like a lifetime. With a slight smile, the man finally broke the silence. 

"Hey, sweet thing," he whispers as he draws closer to her, "I could see you from across the room, and I just had to get a closer look at you."

"Do I know you?" she asks playfully, but her question is quickly brushed off as he continues to flirt.

"No, love," The man's voice is smooth, and his voice sounds almost hypnotic. This guy is clearly a pro at seduction. Luna feels herself feeling drawn to him, her heartbeat increasing as she takes in his handsome face and magnetic energy.

"You really are a no nonsense kind of girl." He takes a sip of his scotch. "What should I call you?" When only silence greets him again, His eyes narrow slightly. "You don't even want to tell me your name?" 

He gives you a smirk and raises his eyebrow in a playful manner. "Have you been here before? You must be a local."

 While he hasn't said anything explicitly flirtatious, there is a certain chemistry between them that she cannot deny. Despite her inner turmoil, Luna speaks confidently, wanting to be on more even footing with this stranger.

"Yeah...My name is Luna, And no, I've never been here before, ." She looks at him with an almost curious expression. "And you... what is your name?"

"Me? I go by Ned. But if you were mine, you could call me whatever you want." He leans in close toward you, placing his lips on your cheek and whispering in your ear. "What if I was? least for tonight" You ask him returning the same flirtatious gesture

"What if you were. Mine?" His voice is barely a whisper, his lips right next to your ear. He gives you the slightest nibble and then slowly pulls away. "I would give you the world, love."

He whispers more. "A beautiful girl like you can have anything and everything she wants," he says suggestively, his fingers caressing your thighs. You feel his breath on your skin. "And if you want me...I'm all yours. I think I know what I want you too for tonight. How about we take a drive out of this shithole city, and get to know each other a bit better."

 He gently pulls you close and places his lips back on your ear. and whispers ..."Whaddaya say, Luna..?"

To be Continued ...

Author Rita <3

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