dandruff............ 2

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The maid placed her hand on Eili's shoulder: _Eili, what are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be in your room getting ready for the party?!

Eili, agitated: _And that’s why I’m looking for that fool.

_I saw him leave for the market this morning, but I’m sure he’s back because he hardly leaves your side.

Moli, waving from a distance: _My princess, I brought you some cheese!!

Eili muttered coldly: _Cheese.

Moli said after pulling out a piece of cheese from that cloth bag: _  best cheese in the entire kingdom, a whole day in the line…it deserve a shot .

Eili trying not to scream: _I’ve been looking for you all day just so I wouldn’t disobey your order and go without permission and you… I don’t know where you were and all this because of some stinky cheese!!

Moli, pursing his lips: _That’s harsh. Then he added, with cold looks directed at Eili: _But didn’t I allow you to go with Siz and I was going to catch up with you.

The maid, smiling: _So that’s it, and I was wondering how you  stayed away from her today.

Eili, lowering her gaze: _Unlike you, that Siz scares me.

Moli looked at her for a while then smiled, approached her, and said, patting her head:
_okay okay, go change your clothes and I’ll be waiting for you .

The maid is buttoning up the back of the princess’s dress, a blue dress that ends at the knee with a tight fabric extension that wraps around her legs and arms to the elbow: _You are radiant as usual, Eili, I don’t know what Mr. Moli would do when he will see you like this.

Eili, sarcastically:
_His expression won’t move even for a second. Then she added, looking at herself in the mirror: _The only thing I knew about Moli besides him being a dumb is that he’s…

_Cold. The maid interrupted her, smiling as she combed Eili’s hair.

Eili, lost in her reflection in the mirror: _Very....cold.

And here the maid grabbed Eili by the shoulders and turned her to face her and said: _Then change him… What? Don’t look at me like that, everyone knows you care about him, actually you are obsessed with him.


_Never mind, go now and make sure to enjoy yourself.

Eili in a soft tone: _Come with me, auntie.

The maid, smiling as she pushed Eili towards the door: _Don’t be afraid, Mr. Moli is with you, in addition to his beauty and the confidence apparent on his features, he has an
overwhelming presence wherever he is… It’s also the  Baldez princess's birthday party and I don’t think an old woman like me is welcome there.




_Or I’m not old, just go, Mr. Moli is waiting.

Eili muttered, imitating the maid: _Mr. Moli, Mr. Moli… Haaa!!

Siz said as he lay on the roof of that white carriage: _So we’ll just play and chat here, wasting time.

Moli, playing with the horse:  _hunting it, the right expression..
Patience, my friend, patience.

And here the palace door opened and Eili came out in that blue dress, surrounded by servants. Siz turned his eyes towards her for a moment then smiled after returning his gaze to the sky: _Your favorite color.

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