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Eili opened her eyes to a violent shake that shattered the window glass. She opened her eyes in terror, then stood up and ran out of her room in her short white nightgown, barefoot, staggering between the right and left walls until she found one of the maids and asked her breathlessly: _What’s happening, Novan?!

The maid:_the gate at the gate , wants to break through!!

Eili looked at Novan for a moment before she grasped the situation: _Do you mean the knightess!

_Yes, the gate! And it seems she wants to kill you!!!

Eili took a deep breath and closed her eyes: _And what does she say?

The maid: _She says she knows you’re behind what happened to the crown prince!..I really… don’t understand what’s going on!!

Eili, after she continued on her way hurriedly: _Neither do I!

She went out to the balcony of the palace that overlooks from behind the high wall onto a courtyard separating the palace from the forest where Katerina stood holding a spear longer than herself, and in front of her stood a blond knight pointing his sword at her, and behind him dozens of knights lined up in front of the palace gate.

Katerina looked intently at the knight: _Dano Anador… What does this behavior mean?!

Dano: _I don’t know who should be explaining… You’re literally asking us to hand over our queen’s head to you just because you accuse her of conspiring against the empire… We want evidence and even if it’s proven, we will only accept a fair trial, she’s not a damned animal you can slaughte any time you want!!

Katerina sarcastically: _Remind me of the phrase you repeat in the halls…The empire then the emperor then our ass .

Katerina added, gesturing with her head for him to back off: _So be a good boy and back off…and I will fight you after this is over, isn’t that what you always wanted.

Dano was silent for a while then turned to the knights behind him saying: _Do not interfere.

The knight smiling and turning his face to her: _I will fight you anyway.

Katerina sighed: _I didn’t want to prolong this… but… it seems there is no other choice.

She raised her spear high with both hands and directed it at him, the spear began to enlarge until it became the size of a huge tree trunk, she pressed on her foot breaking her foothold to throw it at them, Dano advanced running and a faint pink light began to radiate from him… He raised his sword and…cut the spear in half, The spear disappeared and Katerina appeared in front of him, directing her spear towards his stomach: _I’ve always admired your enhancement magic! The knight waved at that moment, deflecting the spear to disappear from her left hand and form in her right hand directed towards his shoulder, he dodged by turning his body at a small angle to the right to catch it before he raised his sword cutting her body from bottom to top, she fell to the ground and blood began to flow from her body. The knights began to shout and laugh while Dano was panting looking at that body: _Wait… Isn’t this a little too easy!.. That’s what crossed the knight’s mind. He proceeded towards the body to check it before…

Dano stood stiff in his place and sweat had invaded his forehead, he was silent for a while and seemed a bit tired and in pain, One of the knights called out to him laughing: _What’s wrong, mate?.. Don’t you believe you killed her?

And here Dano screamed: _I can’t move!

Everyone was silent looking at him then they shifted their gaze to the gate where the blood had stopped flowing from her body while she stood cracking her neck saying after she patted his shoulder: _That was painful.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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