Chapter 9

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Mzwandile's Pov

The son of Siyanda Buthelezi and Nombuso Buthelezi .I am chemical engineer a very influential one at that matter. This is not because of the power that my father has but because of the pride that I have ,I never wanted to be under the shadow of my father this is why I started firm called IGNORIUM.
I'll just break down the name of this combination where there is ignition and diamond meaning that it captures the sparkle and the power of the fuel.I am 25 years of age and currently not married which means that I'm single.My name is Onyx Mzwandile Buthelezi ,Onyx is a name of Greek origin meaning "black gemstone". The name is derived from the onyx gemstone, a semi-precious stone with a dark black or brownish-black color. It is believed to have protective and healing properties, and has been used for centuries in jewelry and other decorative objects. As a name, Onyx evokes strength, sophistication, and power, making it a great option for a dark-skinned guy. Some people also associate the name Onyx with mystery and intrigue, adding an air of sophistication to this already cool name.Something weird has been happening to me or I'll just say that I've been having these dreams where I see the figure that lay still and silent, curled in a tight ball on the cold, hard floor. Its skin was raw and blistered, crisscrossed with fresh, deep red welts. Their breathing was shallow and ragged, punctuated by low, anguished groans. It seems like that figure has been there for days, locked in this dark and cold cell, exposed to the elements, with little food or water. Its strength was waning, and they could feel death slowly creeping in, overtaking their mind and body. There was no hope, no escape, only the harsh reality of a cruel and unjust fate.I just wonder who that is surely it's just my mind playing games on me something doew not really add up.

Meanwhile at the Jones household

Charlene:mom ,the dishes are slowly pilling up in the kitchen what is happening where is that black girl who does all of these chores.It is starting to look and smell like a pigsty in here.Gosh
Jones:Did you think that she'd be here forever it doesn't work like that.Now get your lazy ass up and go wash those dishes.Nomzamo is going through some stuff she'll be here as soon as she gets better.So now stop whining and by being a nuisance go do what you are being told to do.There is no time for laziness or do you want me to whip that skinny ass of yours?
Charlene:What did you do to her mom ,I know that there is something you have done, did you kill her or do something to her. It would be the 4th murder you would have committed by now.You are slowly becoming a monster that is always hungry for blood. I pray you get real punishment for what you keep on doing by thinking it is right to do that
Angela:Seems like you are also getting too big for your boots. Mind you I would kill you and pretend as if nothing happened after all that or maybe make it look like suicide by forcing you to kill yourself and nobody will know dearest daughter that I killed you.See there is one thing you don't clearly understand about me if there is an obstacle in my way I make sure I remove it myslef and I don't mind getting my hands diryt because that is what I enjoy doing.Seeing people at my mercy begging me and crying it's therapy for my ears so mind your language.
Charlene :I cannot believe this just because I'm trying to make you realise your wrongs I'm being threatened .I will just leave you to your shenanigans but I tell you every dog has it's day.
Angela:Are you done? now go to your room and study. Stop poking your nose in my business.

Charlene's POV
I'm Charlene Jones the last daughter of Angela Jones see at first I enjoyed seeing Nomzamo miserable but not it's no fun at all.My mom always gets away with everything.I am still grieving for my dad even now ,she killed my father and made it look like he died by an accident. I saw the signs they were all there no matter how much she tried hiding them.This was not her first murder with my father, she had killled the lady who helped in the house 5 years ago then she buried her in the fields where no one would see or discover the body.She doesn't know that I am aware of her dirty ways I mean I also have my ways of finding out the truth evem the death of Precious Ndlovu the mother of Nomzamo she also killed her bh starving her.Angela or my mom was so aware that the lady had a disease that needed her to keep on eating but she used that to her advantage to get rid of her.Now she has her daughter and I know that she did something to her and that is something that I have to find out.See,don't get me wrong I never liked Nomzamo but ever since she came here she's been that one person who understands me so well.She is someone I can confide in ,she reminds me of her mother.Nomzamo smothers me unlike that person who I call a "mother".

My eyes were closed, but it was not a restful sleep that consumed me. I was racked by pain, a searing agony that radiated throughout my entire body. My muscles were tight and my breath came in shallow gasps, as if every fiber of my being was screaming out for relief. But there was no relief to be found, only the deep and suffocating darkness that enveloped me, threatening to consume me completely. I could feel my grip on reality slipping, my consciousness fading, and I wondered if I would ever find my way back to the light.
Nomzamo was slowly sinking into death.Angela had completely forgotten about her would you say that it was a punishment or it was a plan to finally kill her?It was just in a matter of hours that she would be declared dead as her body was slowly acting due to infection caused by the bacteria that had been surrounding her.Is she going to die and follow her mother or will she survive?

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