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Hello everyone!

Firsty, I wanna thank y'all who decided to give this book a try! I appreciate it :D

And secondly: Because English isn't my first language (And as a twelve-year-old I just learn useless things in school), y'all gotta expect some grammatical mistakes and/or something else being wrong.

BUT I try to avoid it as best as I can! :D And I'm gonna use Google translator sometimes when I'm unsure if that's the correct word I'm looking for and ect. 


Everything you need to know:

-This book will NOT contain any sort of romance!

-Really irregular updates!

-There will be many TWs (I will write them at the beginning of the chapters they will be in)

-There will be MUCH Angst

-This is not a Y/N story!

-There will (probably) be no humans in this story, even if only as STAFF employees!

Characters that play/will play a major role in this story:

-Sunrise and Moondrop


-Solar (= Nice!Eclipse)



Characters I'm not certain will play a big role (I'm still thinking about it):

-Kill Code / KC (REALLY unsure, but maybe as the book continues)

-Solar Flare (REALLY low chance, but there's still a little sparkle of hope!)

-Creator (Same as Solar Flare)

Characters who don't have a big role:

-Monty (Maybe he will have one much later, I'm still deciding)


(I will write the rest of the above down here when I'm done selecting)

 Characters that will (probably) not appear in this story:

-Trash Can Man (There's no hope for this guy, sry. He was replaced by someone else)


-Any other character I didn't mention

-The characters from the other shows

Have fun reading!!! :D

Two Faces // A TSAMS AU [Canceled, I guess?]Where stories live. Discover now