Kraken and mermaid War

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I was think thing that Goji is still a teenage  had save Agatha from Nerissa  and Goji end the Kraken and The Mermaid war and Goji went home to sleep after the fight with Nerissa

Years by when Goji got trap in the and the ice is begin to melt and now he almost free

and Goji is now slow open his eyes 

Goji : uga what happed I last thing I remember  I fall in the ice  when the earthquake 

he look around and see the ice melting and 

Goji : ok i must be out for long time i must leave and head home 

he walk out the ice and to the ocean and swim to his  territory and he went deep in the ocean

and he went deep enough he see  all the place has been change while be trap in ice

and he being watch by some one and hear something and he stop by see 4 small blue  people 

Goji look at them and say 

Goji : um excuse me um what  are you ? he the male Kraken

Kraken Father : ahhhh please don't eat my family 

Goji : wow wow wow am not going to eat you am just asking questions  am  just want to know

Kraken : oh thank you we were just going home before the Mermaid will find us 

Goji : wait what Wong with the Mermaid?

Kraken : wait you neve heard what's happing here in right now 

Goji : no i was trap in the ice so I mess anything 

Female kraken : oh hey frank i thing we take him to our home before Nerissa find out

Goji: who Nerissa ?

Frank : she is the queen of Mermaid and the Mermaid who want to take the all the ocean and stared the war and and all the giant Kankan die in battle with the her trident but only two Giant female life 

Goji : WHAT is  THRER Name  

Frank : their names  is Grandmamah  and  her daughter Agatha

Goji hear her name and he say

Goji : wait did you say Grandmamah  the one the yellow one 

4 Kankan : yes

Goji : oh i met he as the teenage  

he say that 4 Kankan shock that he knows the warrior  queen is

Frank : we take there come on oh one more thing what creature  are you 

Goji i am a Gojira

Female Kankan : wait you a Gojira i thought they been extinct for 250 million years ago how did you stay alive for so long ?

Goji is shock to hear the years and  he been trap in that ice for that long

Goji : I was trap in the ice and I just wake up not too long ago 

Frank : oh we take you to the our home

Goji : no am going to make sure that Nerissa how is on this ocean  who boss is

and he glowing blue and  his face is rage 

Goji : am going after her show her who boss and i will put it the end the war and bring  peace on this world he gone look for her and 

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