the argument / Alpha of Kraken

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the Gillman and Gojira went to Gillman house as baby Serena is still holding Goji arm

Arthur carry Brill is on coma and Ruby is sit beside Goji when Serena is a sleep Goji went to Agatha and give to her and Agatha sent to serena room  and then come back to Goji and Ruby    

Agatha : ok um everyone can your all please leaves so i can talk with Ruby alone but Goji stay here Goji he like what and all the Gillman members left and leave Ruby and Goji Confused

Ruby : um what is going on? 

Goji : yeah what is about? 

Agatha : will did you two see each a giant form Creatures

Goji : will I have 

Ruby : um no 

Agatha : um Ruby you already know you are the Kraken right 

Ruby : yes but i don't understand what are you saying  ?

Agatha : Ruby ' she breath in ' You a Titan Ruby 

Ruby : wait am a WHAT now ?!!?

Agatha : yes Ruby you an Titan 

Ruby can't believe it that She an Titan the whole Time and her Mother didn't tell her 

Ruby is the Titan just like Goji and her own Mother lie to her

Ruby : does Dad know?

Agatha : yes  you father Know 

Ruby : and you know we Titan and you lie to me about we just normal


Agatha : sorry Ruby i just what to protect you form danger 

Ruby : from what ?

Agatha : form the Titan that kill our family members 17year before you were born Ruby 

Ruby : is the Muto or something  who kill our Family 

Agatha : No ruby not them 

Ruby: then what is?

Agatha: you rest of the family Members were kill by ................... Mermaid

Ruby is quit for a Moment and now she lost it

Ruby : are you freaking kidding me tell me you joking

Agatha : no Ruby  is truth 

Ruby : then prove it then

Agatha is try find a right word for this but then Goji step in 

Goji : ruby is true

Ruby : what do you mean by that

Goji: because I was there  Ruby 

Ruby look at Goji right at him 

Ruby: wait you were there ?

Goji : yes Ruby i was there i just in time to save you Mother in time and i  end the War 

Ruby : you did?

Goji : indeed  i was 

Ruby: ok then is there anyone who survive form the war ?

Agatha froze will she not lie to her any more she 15 is time to tell her

Agatha : your Grandmother 

Ruby : what i had a Grandmother why didn't you tell me

Agatha: I had a problem relationship and also I hadn't visit her after you are about a two moths old 

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