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We were all sat round on mine and Lucy's hotel bed, playing Mario kart and eating ice cream and pizza.
Phoebe was sprawled along the end, Julien was sat on the edge of bed trying too hard to win Mario kart, Lucy was laying down like a normal person and I was laying down with my head or Lucy's shoulder, her arm wrapped around mine. We were currently sharing a tub of cookie dough ice cream while watching Julien and Phoebe play and fight over who the overall winner is.

'It was so obviously me!' Phoebe shouted

'No, no it was 4-2 to me!' Julien argued back while biting into a slice of pepperoni pizza

'Liar!' Phoebe sat up to stare Julien dead in the eye 'It was 4-3 to me!'

'So you guys can't even remember how many matches you played?' I asked them

'7!' Phoebe shouted

'No 8!' Julien argued back

'Why don't you guys just fight it out on stage tomorrow night' Lucy laughed while eating another loaded spoon of ice cream

'Are you guys not tallying it down' I asked 'thought you would if you were so competitive'

'Who do you think won' Julien said, turning around, the both of them completely ignoring my question

I look at Lucy before turning back to the both of them and shrugging.

'What you were right here!' Phoebe said jumping up

'I was too busy eating all the cookie dough pieces out the ice cream' Lucy told them before looking back and picking out another piece of cookie dough

'I can't even remember who won the last match so don't look at me' I told them

'It's on the TV Abby' Lucy whispered at me


'Well if Julien won the last match why don't you say she won fair and square?' Lucy says trying to speak some sense into them

'No that's not fair!' Phoebe says signing up before taking the ice cream off Lucy and shovelling some into her mouth.

'I swear to god if you two don't decide who won your getting kicked out'

Super super short cause the next one will be quite big!

—————————————Super super short cause the next one will be quite big!

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-Chloe 🪼

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