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Your parents always talked about the fact that you and your twin were blessings to them, of course, as a child, you thought it was a metaphor. Until a few years back when your parents made you sit down with your twin for a talk.

Amma gently guided you to sit beside your twin who looked suspiciously guilty. They always did have a penchant for getting in trouble, be it messing around in dirt or roughhousing with the other kids. You thought they had dragged you into the mess and were ready to give them an earful of colourful words till you saw your Appa take a seat in front of you along with your mother.

"Kids, You're grown up now, I think it's high time we tell you why we keep calling you both a miracle." Your Appa said, taking a deep breath as your Amma encouraged him to say the rest.

"Ever since your Amma and I got married, we were unable to have kids. Sure there were many comfortable with not having children but for us, the house felt empty and we had no one to pass our culture down to. Until we met a sage, he agreed to give us his blessings under the conditions that both of you would study under him."

Your Amma continues after your father stops speaking, "I'm aware it seems a bit unfair to push you into all this, but he's done a lot for us and it's a good opportunity for you to study a practice or an art and fall in love with it."

You glanced at your twin who seemed troubled at what your parents revealed. Sure, they dragged you into a lot of messes and annoyed the living shit of you, but they were still family.

You grabbed their hand, hoping to offer some comfort before turning to your parents.

"Will we have to leave home?" It was a valid question, after all, many students would often leave home to study under their master, though there were some who would leave in the morning and come back in the evening.

Amma nodded, fiddling with her hands, "Yes, but! That doesn't mean you have to stay there all the time. We can arrange a few days where you can stay with us or we'll come to visit you dear. We both love you very much, alright?" Her smile quickly turns into the look of concern as he sights land on your twin.

"Ravi, what's wrong mone?" She asks, placing her hands on his face.

Ravi wipes away his tears furiously, shoving her hands away from him and letting go of your hand.

"That's unfair! Why do I have to go learn under some old man just because you wanted a kid! Maybe I don't want to study the art or practise anything! Why can't I do my own thing?"

Your Appa sends him a glare as he moves closer to Ravi, "That man is the reason your here and if i hear you talk to your Amma like that one more time, You'll be sleeping outside!" The hollars. Your Appa was never really the one to lose his temper, to see him so riled up set fear in your heart.

The room was silent, except for the sobs Ravi let out occasionally. For a few moments, no one spoke, no one moved till your mother sighed and lifted her pallu to wipe away Ravi's tears.

"Don't touch me!" Ravi shoved hand away before running out the door, your mother called out his name, desperate to stop her son from running out and you stood up immediately trying to chase after him but were stopped when your father put a hand on your shoulder, "Don't, let him cool off for a while, I'll go get him later."

You spent the next few hours occupied with helping your mother in the kitchen preparing dinner while your father was out to go find Ravi. You were not particularly worried for his safety, after all, this area was rather safe and almost everyone knew each other in town, chances are, he's probably hanging out at some random uncle's house or in the rice fields.

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