Lost and Found

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Sonic's POV

This is the third day of the search, everyone seems more worried now. We've found some evidence that he might still be in town, but where...where? Then it struck me, the bar!

He must be in the floor passed out. I headed that way.

"Sonic where are you going?" Tails asked.

"A place where he might be..." I put the radio away. I busted through the door. I walked over to the clerk. "Excuse me sir..."

"What is a boy like you to doing here?" He asked cleaning a glass.

"I'm looking for someone named Shadow. Have you seen him?" I asked. He put the cup down.

"Yep, I know that guy. He was here three days ago before he left." He said picking another cup up. "He walked outta here with a boy, that kinda looked like you, but his eyes were blue. You know tall, has a scar on his chest, wears shades-"

"Yes, I know who you're talking a bout...an old rival of mine." I stared at the floor. "Well, thanks for the info bud." I walked out.

Everyone waited for me in the door steps of my house. Knuckles looked up at me.

"Was he there?" He asked.

"Nope, but I know who has him..." I said.

"Who?" Tails asked.

"Scourge..." I growled.

"I can't imagine what horrible things he is doing to him..." Rouge said.

"Yeah, the poor thing..." Amy said.

"Hey...let us not forget he is Shadow, the ultimate life form, who will probably kick his ass." Vector said.

"Vector language..." Charmy said covering his ears.

"He's right. We also have a genius on our side. Tails would have kicked his butt many times." Espio said.

"Well, I wouldn't say that exactly-" Tails was cut off.

"How many?" Asked Amy.

"Excuse me?" Asked Tails.

"How many times have you kicked someone's behind?" She asked. Tails coughed.

"Come on, give us a number!" Knuckles claimed.

I slapped my forehead, I just lost my search party.

Shadow's POV

"N-No more Scourge! I-It hurts!" I laughed as he tickled me. I was on the couch laughing, he was on top of me blowing air into my stomach.

"Aww, but it was just getting interesting..." Scourge sat down. I sat up and kissed his lips. We broke away at the sound of a doorbell.

"I'll get it..." I said. I walked to the door and opened it. It was Mephiles! "You won't get to me brother!" I said forming a chaos spear in my hand.

"Whoa! Shadow calm down..." Scourge grabbed my arm and hugged me from behind. "He's with me." I looked up at him.

"You're friends with him? He almost killed me!" I said getting angry again.

"Hey, I know I've made a couple of mistakes...but everyone deserves a second chance." Mephiles said. I sighed.

"Okay...you are my brother after all." I wrapped an arm around his head and gave him a nuggy. "You're big brother..." I laughed. He pushed me away.

"You disgust me..." He said.

"Whoa hold on Meph, you're not here to beat my boyfriend up...remember?" Scourge said. Mephiles looked confused but nodded.

"What's going on between you two?" I asked them. Mephiles walked to me, he got close to me...too close.

"That's none of your concern..." He said. I blushed. Scourge put a hand on his shoulder. "You've grown soft in three days. This piece of crap has turned you all kinds of soft." Mephiles was talking about me. I punched him.

"This piece of crap doesn't turn anyone soft, idiot." I said. Mephiles back away. Scourge smiled at me.

"Hey Shadz, you go chill around town. Meph and I have things to do." He said before kissing me.

"Alright, just call me when you're done." I said. I kissed his cheek before walking out the door.

I walked across the street to the park. Talking a stroll wasn't bad, but I wanted Scourge by my side. He's changed, a lot. At the beginning of this relationship, he was unstable...but he's actually improved. I sat down at a bench watching the children play, when I felt a sudden grip on my shoulder.

I turned around and saw Sonic. I got up.

"I'm so glad I found you!" He said cheerfully. He hugged me tightly. I pushed him away, turning my back to him. "Shadow?" He asked.

"Leave me alone Faker..." Its been awhile since I've called him that.

Sonic's POV

Faker? He never calls me that. It was only when we weren't together. I just let it slip by.

"How'd you ever get past Scourge?" I asked. He looked at me.

"Past?" He asked. "I'm not past Scourge, he's not hurting me. He's caring for me." He said.

"What?" I asked. He rolled his eyes.

"Don't act like you don't know. You hurt me and you know that well. Scourge promised he wouldn't and he won't; and I trust him." He said.

"Hurt you? In what-" I paused. The kiss... "Hey listen, that's what I've been wanting to explain...you see we were just playing 'Spin the Bottle' and it was my turn, Espio was on the other end. I had no choice, besides I never meant anything."

"You don't love me anymore. I don't know you anymore-" I cut him off by kissing him. He pushed me away giving me a punch in the face. He ran away, I didn't follow him.

What did that bitch do to him?!

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