On The Prowl

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Durandal hummed as she processed several new strings of data from aboard the Rayya and the other Liveships. Life support, the numbers of dead Quarians over the past couple of centuries, so on and so forth. They'd kept modifying and adding to these vessels ever since they built them and their escorting Heavies. It was rather inspiring, so to speak, but it wasn't all she was looking for.

No, Durandal dived into the sea of data aboard these massive vessels in order to learn of the Quarians' history with their children. Bits and pieces, bibs and bobs, but pretty much nothing beyond hearsay and telltales. She sighed deeply and closed the tabs, before tossing them aside. She continued pulling more and more data forward, examining Quarian weapon stowage, missile containers and the likes.

The entire Galaxy seemed to be relying on guns instead of missiles, though the UNSC wasn't one to comment when their main gun battery was a MAC. She sighed, then kept tapping away to pull up more data forth. There was a lot to parse through, but most of it was decently-easy to read and form into folders for the rest of the staff to read. She slid the data aside and called up, "Command, this is Durandal. New Data is being sorted, but it'll take some time, even with the other AIs working on it."

There were almost three hundred years of data, after all. The most disappointing was the lack of historical context outside of, for all intents and purposes, the Quarians' own propaganda on the matter. Not even the Geth bodies and files within the Alarei provided much in the way of context. It was all they had. All of it. She wanted to get to Rannoch sooner, talk to the Geth. Hopefully the trip wouldn't take long to get approved.

... In the meanwhile, though, she felt the pings from the shipboard computer and sighed, shaking her head. Materializing within the confines of one of the holographic projectors, the girl looked up at her ward and asked, "Something the matter, Lieutenant?" as she examined the woman clad in heavy armor. The MJLONIR Generation 2 Armor set looked bulky, heavily modified from its original Gen1 configuration, with the Mark VI variant sporting a lot of upgrades.

Said upgrades included expanded processing power for AIs that would want to operate with those who wore these armors, Biotic Amplifiers to ensure the powers of the Biotic soldiers could be used to their full extend and a light Kinetic Barrier between the Shield and the Titanium-A Plating, kevlar-enhanced ballistic and crystalline layers. Those who wore these MJOLNIR sets were, for all intents and purposes, the most famed of the UNSC's warmachine, even during the Long War.

SPARTANS. A new Generation, born out of the necessity of warfare in this new universe. Heavily gene-engineered human soldiers, clad in the best armor given the best equipment the Military could muster. The Lieutenant, Jacqueline 'Jackie' 001, was the first of such a prodigious line of troops, her service extending almost twenty years back when, as a Biotic, she was recruited by the Office of Naval Intelligence. Orphaned children, Biotics left by their parents. The same kind of people that spawned the Biotic Cult so many years ago.

At thirty-seven years of age, the woman didn't look her age whatsoever. Military regulation blonde hair, bright purple eyes and the face of a young model, though scarred by her combat experience, were the telling features of the girl. Her armor looked like the same utilitarian Mark VI set that a famous War Hero of the UNSC would wear during the UNSC's bouts with the Old Foe. Though it was black with dark shades of purple and had ports denoting the location of Biotic amps in the arms.

"Nothing," The woman replied, her voice low, "You ready to move out from the Rayya?"

"As ready as can be," She shrugged, "Yank me..."

001 did as asked, sliding her own helmet on her head and pulling the chip out, before slotting it into the back of the helmet. The black-armored woman raised her balled fist, showing the platoon of escorting ONI Agents to fall in, before looking around the Lifeship's interior sphere. That they were still finding new data within the confines of ships set to either be disassembled or repurposed into Civilian ownership?

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