In The Name of God

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AN:Trigger Warning, the second half of the chapter gets a tad dark, especialy considering the situation currently developing in a certain part of the world. So if you want to avoid it, stop near the the page break. I had planned for that part of the chapter and started writing it a while before the events of the last two days transpired, so, as a measure of safety and out of respect for the victims of the real situation, I made this author's note as a warning.

Godspeed to those in the affected areas.

Aboard the UNSC Sekhmet

Day 01

"... Understood, Admiral Xen. I will be careful, don't worry. The Spartans seem to be quite adept at handling things pertaining to security," The Representative aboard the vessel spoke over the ship's FTL Com system. He knew they were being monitored, but cared little. No reason to hide what was being said from the UNSC yet. They'd proven to be quite open, sans their xenophobic minority's voiced dislike of their people. To nobody's surprise, though. The Quarians had read about the issue of the Human-Covenant War and what it had taken from Humanity so long ago.

"Very well. Take care of yourself, old friend, and remind me to send you the data package the UNSC will deliver to us later today. They apparently hold enough trust in us to show us the reason the Black League has been arming up as it has," Cula offered as she tapped away on a tablet, waiting for their break to end. She spoke to the man, "Kal... Do you think we did the right thing?"

"What do you mean?" He asked as he sat himself back down at his desk, looking at the hologram of his old friend.

"... Letting them take us in. Do you think it's good for us all in the long run? I mean, we're alien to them. They're supposedly xenophobic beyond your average rank and file. Their ancestors fought and had to flee from a genocidal war much like our own. We hate the Geth, despite creating them... Should mankind not hate us for not being aliens, too? Certainly, the HPP speaks for that type of voices, but..."

Kal had to take a moment to consider the question posed by Cula. Humming, he scratched his chin beneath the suit. The room had been openly disinfected in front of him and he had been asked to brief the UNSC staff on board about how to properly set up the environment. They'd shown the kind of hospitality one would rarely find among their Galactic peers. He sighed deeply and answered, "Cula? I have no doubt that the Admiralty Board came to the proper conclusion of our negotiations within these six months. That they're entrusting their reason for rearmament to us...? I'd say it's a sign you and the others did good."

"... Keelah..." Cula rubbed her mask, then nodded, a faint smile visible even through the holographic shadow hiding her face, "You're right. And we may see our homeworld soon. The rocky cliffs of Rannoch, like our ancestors spoke of, like the photographs show. We may be able to go home and maybe even still the waters with our creations. Bless the UNSC and their AI if they succeed, I'll never look upon an artificial being as a threat again if you succeed..."

"Heh. Indeed," Chuckled Kal as he stood to his feet. He heard a knock on the door, then looked over to Cula's hologram and said, "I have to go. The captain probably wishes to speak to me. Take care of yourself at that meeting, Cula," his voice wary, but calm. He cared deeply for Cula, despite their different positions in the Quarian hierarchical status. A mere politician and representative versus and admiral, he thought to himself, an odd combo.

"You, too, Kal. Bring us home. Keelah se'lai." The woman nodded, then shut off the com. The man then turned toward the door and pressed a couple of buttons, letting the air filter out. He only paused, a hint surprised, when he saw the Captain sitting in the middle of the airtight corridor, hands behind his back and what looked to be a dark-green and gun-metal black suit with a respirator and mask that shined with the sheen of fresh polish.

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