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"Nine... Nine... Nine?"

Recently, Nine found herself zoning out quite often, and she has no idea why. Maybe she needs a vacation. Or a raise. Honestly, who knows?

"Hey, Nine, focus!" Viv's voice snaps her back to reality. She claps her hands twice in front of her face just to make sure that she is listening.

"You need to listen to me."

"I am. I am."

"No, you're not. You don't even have an idea why you're here." Viv sighs, irritated.

"Yes, I do. It's always the same. I have a new assignment."

"Yes, but you don't know the details."

"Mhm... Spill it then, Doc."

Room E12, The Command Room That's what the subjects call it.

This is the room they led the group of children to after they took them from the orphanage. Shit still looks the same. Well, maybe a little different. There are now eight portraits that hang on one of the walls. One picture for each of the deceased subjects. Nine was the one ordered to kill them. They had outlived their purpose.

That may seem harsh, but what did you expect? After every doctor chose their subject, Nine rarely saw the others. Each doctor had something different planned for what to do with their subject. Vivienne wanted someone to experiment with and train into a feared killer. The woman wanted a personalized bodyguard—someone to do her dirty work—and in all honesty, she got one.

Others wanted to further their research and used their subject for whatever they needed, like bone marrow extractions, samples of organs to document their regeneration time, reactions to poisons, cloning, cures for all kinds of diseases, and also creating their own diseases. There were quite a lot of sick fucks in that facility.

Every time Nine finds herself in The Command Room, it's always the same, but she finds herself excited when she is there, every single time. There is just something about the wait right before she is handed the file that contains everything she needs to know about her next victim. Her next kill order

Dr. Grave is the keeper of her contract; she is her PRA, Person Responsible for Asset, and has been since Nine, formerly known as Sage, walked into this facility. Every homicide request goes through her. The council 'hires' her every once in a while to cut off some loose ends, and Dr. Grave doesn't have a say in it.

People think that Nine has gone mad for staying with the facility, but it's all she knows. She grew up there. She became the person she is today because of that place. She likes being a hitman and is exceptionally good at it. It is her source of income. A very generous source of income. Realistically, she can leave whenever she wants, but for now, she is enjoying it.

Nine can easily kill Dr. Grave right there and right now, but why would she? Even after everything she has done to her, Nine still wouldn't do it. Why not? Because she enjoys what she does, and Dr. Grave's time will come.

A yellow file, which Nine is well acquainted with, is handed to her. She opens it, and inside is one picture of her target and some other documents like his birth certificate, ID, passport, residence location, etc.

Hank Sinclair

Viv grabbed a chair and brought it closer to where Nine was sitting. "I'm sure you are familiar with Mr. Sinclair."

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