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The soft morning light filters through the curtains, gently rousing Ethan and Claire from their peaceful slumber. They share a loving smile, knowing that today is the day they'll surprise Ethan's family.

Ethan and Claire take turns in the bathroom, as they prepare for the day ahead. The sound of their laughter fills the room.

Dressed in their finest attire, Ethan and Claire enjoy a hearty breakfast in the hotel restaurant. They discuss their plans for the day, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.

After breakfast, they return to their room to put on their surprise-ready outfits. Claire looks radiant in an elegant dress, and Ethan sports a warm smile that seems to never leave his face.

As they arrive at Ethan's family home, Martin and John, Ethan's loyal guards, discreetly send their luggage inside. The atmosphere is charged with anticipation.

Ethan and Claire step into the living room, and joy radiates from his grandfather's face.

Ethan! Claire! You're back!

Ethan's younger brothers, Daniel and Michael, can't resist teasing him.

Look at our dear brother, he's positively glowing!

Must be all that honeymoon time, huh?

Ethan blushes, but he looks happier than ever.

Ethan's mother, however, embraces her son tightly, seemingly ignoring Claire.

Ethan, my boy, I've missed you so much.

(pulls his mom into a warm embrace)
I missed you too, mother.

Claire feels left out, her smile fading.

(Attempting to bridge the gap)
I brought gifts for everyone!

Claire distributes the carefully chosen gifts. Daniel and Michael receive PlayStation consoles, and their eyes light up with excitement. The grandfather receives a tailored shirt and a pair of designer shoes, which he adores. Ethan's mother is given elegant jewelry, heels, and a stunning dress, despite her initial rejection.

(Deep down, touched)
These are lovely, Claire, thank you.

But then she accuses Claire.

You're lavishing my son's money, aren't you?

Claire feels a pang of hurt and looks to Ethan, hoping for his defense, but he remains silent. His mother laughs it away, making her feel more awkward.

Despite the tension, they eventually settle into recounting their honeymoon adventures through photos. Michael, the grandfather, and Daniel huddle together, laughing and cooing at the pictures. Meanwhile, Ethan and his mother share stories of their time apart, slowly reconnecting.

Claire, feeling a bit out of place, excuses herself and heads upstairs to Ethan's bedroom. There, she changes into a more comfortable outfit and takes a moment to collect herself.

Claire rejoins the lively gathering in the living room, and her presence doesn't go unnoticed. Ethan notices her return, and their eyes lock briefly, silently acknowledging their bond.

The family continues to flip through the photo album from the honeymoon, sharing stories and laughter. Claire joins in, describing the breathtaking scenery and adventures they experienced.

You two make a beautiful couple, and it looks like you had an incredible time.

Even Ethan's mother can't help but warm up to Claire as she listens to the tales of their journey. The tension between them begins to thaw.

I suppose I should give credit where it's due. You've made my son very happy, Claire.

Claire smiles, relieved by the change in atmosphere. She finally feels like she's becoming a part of Ethan's family.

As the day goes on, they enjoy a delicious home-cooked meal and share more stories, creating new memories together. The bonds within the family strengthen, and Claire's initial unease slowly fades away.

As evening falls, the living room is filled with warmth and contentment. The sounds of laughter and heartfelt conversations echo through the house, a testament to the newfound harmony in the family.

The contracted marriage between Ethan and Claire has taken a significant step towards becoming a genuine partnership, with love and understanding gradually blooming amidst the shared experiences and shared moments of joy.

Claire: The Diary of A Model 1[The Contract]Where stories live. Discover now