Family (Murisakibara Atsushi) Part 1

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"BEEP" Grabbing the cake out the oven you heard footsteps "(y/n)-chin, is it ready?" Turning around you saw your husband with your son (s/n) "Momma, ready?"
"No sweetie, not yet. Now you two be good I'm going to visit the neighbors."
"Kay, (y/n)-chin."
"Yes, Momma."
------time skip------
"Boys, I'm Home."
Hearing clattering in the kitchen, you went in.
"Hi, Momma,"
Seeing your toddler with his purple hair and your (e/c). "Murisakibara Atsushi, what did you do to our son!!"
"We were just hungry, so we got a snack." Turning you saw your cake,
"So you ate my cake, that was for Momoi-chan's birthday!"
"I'm sorry (y/n)-chin."
"First you eat Momoi-chan's birthday, then look at what happened to our son!"
Turning again to your son. You saw him crying, "WAH" with the cake coated face. "Sawry, Momma,"
"Shh, baby it's okay, do you wanna help me make another?"
Nodding his head, he started to stop crying. "Well first we need to get you cleaned up."

Kuroko no Family oneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon