Chapter 1: ''An accident''

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''Come on Alfur!'' Hilda yelled at Alfur to Hurry up.

''Im coming, im coming!'' Said Alfur.

Hilda: ''Alright now we can go''.

Alfur: ''Umm where are we going exactly ?''

Hilda: ''We are going to the library with David and Frida, to gain information about a magical rock David found''.

Alfur: ''Alright then let's go''

Right as they were about to leave, Johanna came home back from work and saw Hilda with Alfur on her ear and Tontu and Twig near Hilda

Johanna: ''Going on another adventure?''

Hilda: ''No mom we are just going to the library...''

Johanna: ''Oh if that's the case why don't i just take you there, it started raining outside.''

Hilda: ''No need to mom il just take an umbrella.''

Johanna: ''Umm alright sweetie, also when you come home we c-'' Johanna was cut off by Hilda

Hilda: ''Im not coming back home, because me,Frida,Alfur,Twig and Tontu are having a sleepover at David's house.''

Then Hilda left her home and went to the Library leaving Johanna all alone.

Johanna's mind: ''UGH! I just want to spend some time with my daughter but it looks like il have to be alone again"

Johanna sighs and sit's down and starts watching some TV

Johanna: ''Another Day of being alone, this is the 15th day this month that im all alone...''    

Johanna laugh's a bit and starts cring a bit as well, before Tontu was with her but now she is all alone, the only times she now speaks to anyone is during breakfast time.


Johanna woke up early and made her self some coffee,then she put on her jacket and she went to work

After some time Johanna had finally finished her work, while getting ready to leave she wasn't looking where she was going and she bumped into someone, the person fell to the ground and dropped the stuff he was holding.

Johanna: ''Oh my god im so sorry, are you okay?''

???: ''Im fine...'' While trying to get up he felt a pain in his right wrist

???: ''Ow what i- oh flip''

Johanna: ''What's wrong'' Johanna said while picking up his stuff from the ground

???: ''It looks like the vase i bought broke and some of the shards went into my right wrist'' he said in pain

Johanna: ''Oh my- hold on il take you to the doctor''

???: ''Thank you''

Johanna took the man to the hospital, luckly the doctors were able to remove all the vase shards from his wrist

Doctor: ''Goodbye and have a great day''

???: ''Bye doctor, thanks for removing the shards''

Johanna: ''Once again i am so s-'' Johanna was cut of by ???

???: ''Hey there is no need to apologize''

Johanna: ''But still i wasn't looking where i was walking''

???: ''It's ok, i forgive you''

Johanna: ''Thanks''

???: ''So um what's your name miss" The man asked.

Johanna: ''Oh my name is Johanna and what's your name.

Alija: ''My name is Alija''

Johanna: ''Hmm never heard that name before, but it fits you real good''

Alija: ''It's a slavic name''

Johanna: ''Oh...''

At this moment Johanna was kind of thinking about how this guy was acting.He was a bit taller than Johanna he had brown hair and brown eyes and had a small beard as well as a big smile on his face.That smile reminded her about Hilda and it made her a bit sad, but she didn't show it because she thought it would make Alija worried.

Johanna: ''Well i have to go''

Alija: ''Me to....OH! umm can i give you my phone number, so we can hang out as some time''

Johanna: ''Umm sure why not...''

After that Johanna and Alija exchanged phone numbers and then both of them went home.


(Okay so this is the end of part 1 i hope that you liked it and if you didn't like it that's ok i hope that my english was good and readable.

Hilda Fanfic: Johanna falls in loveWhere stories live. Discover now