Chapter 4: ''Start of a new relationship''

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Alija woke up and saw Johanna sleeping peacfully, right on top of him.

Alija: ''Johanna, time to wake up.''

Johanna: ''Hmm w-wha..?''

When Johanna opened her eyes, she was was shocked to see that she was sleeping on top of Alija.

Alija: ''So you don't remeber, what happened last night?''

Johanna: ''What do you mean!...Oh..OH CRAP!'' Johanna said as she remebers the events of last night.

Alija: ''So do you really mean it, or was it the wine talking?''

Johanna: ''I-i do mean it, i l-like you Alija...'' Johanna said while blushing

Alija smiled and hugged Johanna.

Alija: ''It's okay, I like you too.''

Johanna: ''Really?''

Alija: ''Yes i do.''

Johanna broke the hug and kissed Alija on the lips.

Alija: ''...''

Johanna: ''What's wrong?''

Then Alija leaned in and kissed Johanna on the lips. Johanna was starting to take off Alija's shirt but then, they heared a door open and close.

Hilda: ''Mom, im home!''

Johanna and Alija looked at each other, Alija saw that Johanna was panicking.

Alija: ''Hey what's wrong?''

Johanna: ''It's Hilda, if she sees me she's going to be asking me a million questions!''

Alija: ''Hey, hey it's going to be okay, let's just tell her that were in love''

Johanna: ''But what if she won't accept the fact that your probably going to be her dad?''

Alija: ''Johanna, your her mother i think she will be okay with it''

Johanna: ''You think so?''

Alija: ''There is only one way, to find out''

Alija stood up from the bed and looked at Johanna

Alija: ''You coming?''

Johanna: ''Y-yes, i am''

Johanna stood up from the bed, then she and Alija went into the living room and saw Hilda sitting on the couch, then Hilda looked to her left and saw her mother and a man she didn't know.

Hilda: ''Hi mom and who is that?''

Johanna: ''Hey sweetie, this right here is Alija''

Alija: ''Hello Hilda'' Alija waved and smiled at Hilda

Hilda: ''Hello Mr.Alija''

Johanna: ''Umm, Hilda we need to talk''

Hilda: ''Talk about what?''

Johanna sits on couch near Hilda 

Johanna: ''S-so Hilda, how would you feel if i started dating someone?''

Hilda: ''Umm i don't know mom, you do remeber what happened when you were with my dad''

Johanna: ''Yes i do. But i found someone that is realy nice''

Hilda: ''Let me guess, it's Mr.Alija isn't it?'' Hilda said while she was a bit mad

Hilda stood up and walked to Alija

Hilda Fanfic: Johanna falls in loveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin