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I take a sharp turn trying to avoid five police cars.
I knew it was a bad idea to try spray painting in broad daylight but, I couldn't resist.
Now I have to take care of this small problem.
I press on the gas.Now  going 120mph.
Thinking I lost them,I slow down and take a right turn.And see a police car.
Thinking about my choices,I decide it's easier to make Amina bail me out

So when they tell me through the megaphone to come out the car with my hands in the air,
I do as I i'm told.
---------------------------------------------------AT THE POLICE STATION-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''Uh Malaina Martinez"?
"So we have to do a DNA test to find out if you have any family because it says you dont't have any family in the records"
"Don't bother I don't have any.Just let me call my friend and she will get me out of your hair" I say slightly aggitated
One of the things I hate is my anger issues
I even have whole list:
1 Anger issues
2 Girls that say"I'm not like other girls" then what are you? A dog?
I'm not one to bring down girls I love girls heck, i'm gay but thats just embarrasing.
3 school I already graduated but to not "attract attention" I still have to go.
4 Germans
5 How uncomfortable I am around Men/boys i only like kids that are boys
I mean the-
"Malaina, were you listening to anything I was saying''? My social worker Marcia?mina?mackenzie? I have to catch her name
"No" I responded
"Well I will tell you again. We need to take a DNA test to see if you have any fami-''
6 Cantalopes.I hate Cantalopes they are so bad especially the yellow ones. Like, I will eat it again when pigs can fl-
"So are you ready to take the DNA test"?My social worker asked

I mean why not. Just so she can leave me alone
"Fine" I say hesitantly
I don't even know whats going to happen but, i'm hoping she does not let me go into a foster home .I know its going to happen because
I have no family.
Well thats what the Germans told me.
Then again they did lie about things all the time. The reason I know this is because when I got bored I would eavesdrop and they would talk about tricking different small mafias like the British Mafia.

But its whatever. If my biological family actually wanted me they would have looked for me.
-------------------------------------------TWO AND A HALF HOURS LATER------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I have been in here for two and a half hours
I only know this beacuse the Germans wanted to make me know everything including the dumb things like; The sense of time/counting the seconds,minutes and hour that past by.
I forgot to talk about the things I like
1 pizza (with pineapple)
2 oranges (gotta love em')
5 Guns
"Malaina Martinez"? what is it with her using my last name
"Malaina's fine" I reply
"Okay Malaina , we did a DNA test and found out that you have brothers that would be happy taking you in"
"excuse me"?
I do not have brothers.
"Are you sure" I say in a voice just above a whisper, but sure she could hear me
''yes one hundred percent you can come and check" Marissa says. Yes I learned her name
This can't be happening
Heyyy This is the first story first story that I have ever published
I know its bad but this is what happens when I just start writing .
I am going to try and post in my free time
probably every friday and around the weekend. I would have to think about that
English is my first language, but while learning English I learned the language of my country, so I might mix up the words(everyone from my home country knows English).
please put constructive critisism and No hate
I will not tolerate bullying
This story is mine do not copy it
there will not be smutt in this book
im comfortable reading it but not writing it
I hope you understand
If I do a second book maybe there will be smutt but not in this.
I will try to fix all mistakes.
(I talk alot)
Start: saturday October 7 2023
Love you
             -  Tyrannosaurus Rex

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2023 ⏰

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