Contest 2

52 5 30

So, this round is a cover for the fanfic I'm writing- Scars.

Make sure that the cover is a brown and white kitten/cat with grey/blue eyes. She can be in a forest or in a city, you get to decide that part. I haven't decided for sure if I will keep the cover I made or one of yours, but I guess I'll find out when I see the entries. And it needs to be at least almost realistic. Please don't add any text.

I'll give whoever made the winning cover the credit for it.

Using real cat photos is allowed, I just thought I should mention.

You can enter up to three different entries.

And the prizes will change a bit because I feel like the last ones were a bit boring.


(I haven't decided on what the prizes should be, so any suggestions?)

Due date: Oct 25

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