biscuits and prescriptions

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John's POV

It's the afternoon yet Sherlock still wallows on the sofa in his dressing gown. By this time I am sick of seeing him like this, I'm not used to it. I know that he's ill, but I have never seen him so, incapable, so vulnerable. He's sat curled up on the battered sofa, starring at the ceiling. God knows what he's thinking about. I wonder.. Does he ever think about others, I mean, I know what he's like, and I wonder whether he ever considers what other people may be feeling. Although I've never been close to getting the answers to my questions, I still try to figure him out. He's a complete mystery to me but, he's my friend, and I need to look after him.

Mary came early this morning, she's been sat talking to him for a while now. I catch them both starring at me from the corner of my eye, suspiciously I turn away. As soon as I turn away Sherlock pipes up "John, can you go to the shops for me and pick up some biscuits?", I thought it was a strange request, seeing as Mrs. Hudson usually does that, but I didn't hesitate to agree. "Yeah sure, I need to go and get your prescription anyway, I not be too long, Mary will you be okay?". She smiles. "Why wouldn't I be?" I smile back as I grab my coat from my chair and leave.

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