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When she was a child of only five, she was afraid of butterflies.

She was playing at the Wayne Manor (due to her mother working there as a maid) with her dolls outside when one white butterfly kept flying around her. It kept swarming her despite her attempts to swat it away. She believed the strange flying thing was trying to attack her because why else would a creature stay when she clearly wanted it gone?

Since the butterfly wouldn't leave her alone, she was causing quite the scene in the gardens. It was her favorite place. Her arms were flailing about and she kept dodging her head away from it each time it flew closer.

Bruce was the one that came upon her in the middle of a game of hide-and-seek with Rachel. He was currently the seeker and yet he found Elizabeth instead.

The young girl was younger than he and Rachel by three years. The age difference often excluded her from whatever games they played because she often didn't understand the rules at her age which left her to play with her dolls.

"Elizabeth," he called in concern.

"Bruce, help!" she panicked as her small, little arms swatted at the bug again. "It's trying to hurt me."

Bruce assessed the situation as he walked, realizing that she was scared of a butterfly. He chuckled a bit in amusement.

"It's not trying to hurt you, Beth," he said calmly as he caught the bug between his hands. "It's just a butterfly."

Bruce smiled in reassurance as he lifted his top hand a bit so she could see it. She stared at it a bit warily before Bruce offered, "Do you want to hold it?"

She nodded hesitantly as she held out her hands. He gave it to her and she cupped her hands slightly to keep it from flying away.

She started to smile at the flying bug in her hands. She marveled at the beautiful black markings covering the white wings.

"See," Bruce smiled. "You have nothing to be afraid of. It's pretty and delicate just like you."

Elizabeth blushed a bit as she furrowed her eyebrows a bit. She looked up at his brown eyes that she always thought were a bit dreamy as she frowned, "But I have plenty to be afraid of."

"Like what?"

"Like...snakes," she said in horror as she let the butterfly go and he chuckled.

"You don't have to be afraid of anything, Beth," Bruce promised. "Cause I'll protect you."



She smiled widely to reveal her cute, little dimples. She reached up on her tiptoes and pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek. The little action stole his breath away and made his cheeks redden.

"Promise accepted."


It was only a couple months later that Bruce lost his parents. Even though her mother went to find other employment, she still stayed close to Bruce along with Rachel. He just seemed so sad and she kept trying to do things to cheer him up.

"I brought you cookies!" Beth beamed as she and Rachel entered the Manor for a sleepover.

Rachel sighed at the obvious crush Beth had on Bruce, "Sorry."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2023 ⏰

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