don't ask if I'm okay

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You want to know how I am?
I'm shattered, I'm hurt
I'm broken down into pieces
That hasn't been fixed,
I'm like a brick wall,
Only the most powerful can see and get through me
But I'm also like glass, Very fragile
I shout, I pout, and I try to get out,
I try to get out of this feeling,
But every time I'm out, I get myself back in,
I get into this state where I don't know who anyone is,
Or even who I am,
I don't know who I am or what I'm here for,
Or if I should even try,
But if I were to try and say,
No one would listen,
I'm so hurt I don't remember what being hurt is like,
All people do is lie, so you learn to live with it,
But when you find out that someone you love and care for dearly lies to you about something big,
It feels like getting stung by thousands of bees,
I'm so shattered that when someone tried to put me together,
I fell apart right in their hands,
You can say you know how I feel but you really don't.

I'm scared, I'm worried,
I feel like nothing's right,
I feel everything I do don't matter,
I feel I  don't matter,
I'm scared of being forgotten,
That when I'm gone no one will remember me,
If living in fear is what I have to do,
Then I don't want to live,
And why am I so worried about everything?
It won't matter soon would it?

I'm stressed,
I'm tired,
I'm done caring about everything,
Knowing I can't stop caring,
I'm so tired of caring about everyone else's problems,
And fixing theirs instead of mine,
But I can't stop,
I'm so stressed that no matter what I do,
I feel something's not right,
I'm always in my room,
Because then, and only then,
Am I away from some stress,
I'm so tired of everything,
This world, the people,
I just want to sleep,
But I can't, I overthink too much,

So please don't ask if I'm okay,
I'll do nothing but lie to you like everyone else.

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