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Love is stupid,
It does nothing but hurt you,
I've loved many times but it always
And I mean ALWAYS ends badly,
And it's always my fault,
I'm just not good at love,
I'm not worthy of it,
I don't know why tho,
I love, love
I love, loving people
But love is why I'm *me*
I'm blinded by love
And I can't help it,
No matter what happens,
I just want to be in a relationship,
Even if I know they're not the one,
I never feel the *sparks* while in a relationship,
I sometimes don't even know if they're real,

Love makes people do stupid things,
It made me do stupid things too,
I don't know how to love,
People tell me to "Take a break"
But how can I if I love it so much?
Even if it hurts me,
I love it till we break up,
I'm mostly the one to end things,
I don't want to take a break,
I mean it's my life, right??
Why should I stop?

Love is scary,
You'll never know how it ends,
And if you date your best friend,
You sometimes lose both,
Love can go one to two ways,
Good... or bad
It depends on who you love,
And how you love

All together love is stupid,
But I won't stop

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