Passing Notes

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After dinner i decided to do a little exploring on my own. Back in the world i am so familiar with, being alone was absolutely not allowed due to our friend death who lingered eerily in the shadows. So with this new found freedom, i've decided to have some time absolutely alone, for the first time in a long time.

Not wishing to draw attention to any of the lab staff, i roam dark hallway with just a little flashlight in hand. I turn into a little lounge, running my hand along the long cabinet that frames the wall. I guide myself all the way to a large window.

I take in the view of trees barren of leaves being pushed around by wind. Hills line the skyline in the distance, twisting and turning like my emotions lately. Dead grass covers the ground as far as my eye can see.

I don't think my emotions have ever related so heavily to nature. Though surrounded by friendship and love, i've never felt more empty and barren. I miss my family. I miss my mom hugging me and telling me everything will be alright. I miss my little sisters giggles as she leapt from the recliner to the couch. I miss when my dad would come in late, smelling like fire wood.

i miss me.

I know for a fact, the only thing keeping me sane during this entire situation is being head over heels for Tom. My love for him grows more intense by the day. Last night i even dreamt he met my father. It was christmas time and snow had fallen, covering the ground in a white blanket. They firmly shook hands and my father invited him openly into our home. My little sister sat on his lap as she decorated cookies. Everything was perfect, i was happy... i am happy... i think.

The brush of a footstep causes my head to jerk back to the doorway. Valerie smiles softly as she watches me remove my hand from the window sill.

"You smoke?" she shakes a pack of cigarettes in her hand.

"Yeah." i say walking towards her. I don't really. i don't think i've ever finished a cigarette in my life but she seems easy to talk to and i could use an escape right now.

I follow her down the long hallway, our gazes meeting some what awkwardly every so often. Finally reaching the end, she scans the badge attached to her waist against the handle of the door. The light turns green as the sound of the latch unlocking echoes throughout the hallway.

She opens the door to a similar lounge but i notice this window has hinges. She tosses me the pack of cigarettes as she turns the locks on the window sill and pries it open. The frigid air rushes in the room sending a shiver down my body.

She smiles as lights a cigarette between her lips, handing it to me. Putting the filter to my lips, i take a long drag. The taste of menthol envelopes my mouth. I kind of like it.

"Your boyfriends cute." She says while looking at me more intensely than i'd like.

"Yeah, guess that's why i picked him." i joke.

"Gosh, that Bill though!!" She gushes as she smiles to the ceiling at the thought of him.

A lump of jealousy quickly appears in my throat and i attempt to choke it down with another drag of the cigarette. He's not mine to be jealous over but damn it, i can't help it.

"You know, his second night here... i swore we almost kissed. Couldn't bring myself to do it though... you know being at work and everything." Valerie waves her cigarette around gracefully as she recalls her night with Bill.

God, if i could just say what i wanted to. Tell her of every intimate moment Bill and i shared. The way he feels for me. i mean.. felt. The way he felt for me.

She's bringing something out of me I've been so desperately trying to repress and it's driving me crazy. I wanted to escape with her not fall deeper into my madness.

"How does it feel to be one of the chosen?" she asks bluntly startling me from my thoughts.

"The what?" i ask, remembering that's what i nicknamed us while under the serum.

"The chosen. That's what everyone calls you guys. Hand selected by the most intelligent people to walk this earth. You're the best of the best." She says almost proud of me.

"Huh. That's what i had called us. Had no idea that's what we actually were." i say dumbfounded. I liked that though, the best of the best. That fed a lot more into my ego than need be.

"So what are you, a nurse?" i gesture my eyes towards her perfectly fitting blue scrubs, attempting to deflect from her question.

"Mhm!! Youngest one on the staff. I think i'm only a year older than you, if i remember correctly. i read your file." She winks at me.

"I have a file?" I ask intrigued. There must be more files than mine, what else could i possibly find out??

"Mhm. there's a whole room of files! i can take you some time!!" she says innocently. I nod my head, as i realize i am exactly where i need to be with who i need to be with.


I wander my way back into the pod after talking with Valerie for a while. A quick cigarette turned into two entire hours of nonstop conversation. I actually enjoyed most of it, more than i'd like to admit. Expect when she brought up Bill.

Her air headedness reminded me of Mia, slightly bringing me a sense of comfort in a stranger.

I peak into Toms room finding him fast asleep, little snores escaping his mouth. I smile appreciating how soundly he sleeps as he's been struggling to get a good nights rest.

Pulling back the covers i slip into my bed. My body relaxes as it nestles itself into the wonderfully comfortable mattress. Turning onto my side, my hand slips under the pillow. A little crinkle sound appears from underneath my head.

What is that?

I hastily sit up to my knees and throw my pillow back on the bed. My hands reach out to find the source of the noise i just heard so closely to my ear. I grasp a piece of paper and bring it closely to my face to examine it in the very dimly moonlit room.

The faint pencil marks streak across the paper.

"Always have Faith." is written.

My heart drops to my stomach, my breath immediately stops. I knew i saw her in the crowd of people. It was real.

She's here.

I look down to where my head once sat on the pillow, to find the coin staring back at me.

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