Chapter 11: Laisa's View

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"You like him, don't you Laisa?" My Dad said as he came out of his office to clean up the breakfast dishes. "Well?" he continued.

I was sitting on the leather couch on my phone waiting for Merrick to come pick me up and walk to school.

"Uh, why would you say that out of the blue Dad?" I questioned, not turning my head around to face Dad.

"Why?" My Dad chuckled, "Because of that lip-shaped mark on his neck. What? Did you not know I was going to see it."

I knew my Dad wasn't stupid but, I didn't want him to say it out loud. I wasn't gonna make that much of a hickey, I just wanted to try it out.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I knew exactly what he meant.

"Sure and that much redness on your face isn't giving you away." I look up in front of me facing the mirror I somehow forgot about.

"Well, you see-" The doorbell rings and I get up to open it. "Oh, look at that, it's time to go, bye Dad." I grabbed my bag and my keys, walking over to the door.

"You forgot something." My father coming around the corner with a card. "You're ID." He chuckled.

"Oh shit, yeah, I did forget." I walk over to my Dad who hands over the ID, then leans in to kiss my forehead.

"Be careful, love you Laisa, oh and remember I won't be back til Thursday. So if you need anything ask, that boy of yours." He winked. I rolled my eyes

"Sure thing Dad. Bye, see you Thursday." I open the door to see Merrick.

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