Chapter 14: War

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"So what do you think Merrick" A tall figure dressed in camo stands in front of Merrick.

"I think..." Merrick puts his hand to his chin, tilting his head to the right, showing that he is thinking.

"You look perfect!" Merrick extended his arms and shaped his hands giving two thumbs up. The tall figure bent down to Merrick's level grabbing his arms and putting them down to Merrick's side.

"Now since you're big brother is going abroad to fight the bad guys, you promise to behave for Mom and Dad." Merrick's brother said. Merrick nodded. "Good, now I have something to give you." As he stood up small footsteps could be heard coming from the direction of the front door.

"Michael!" A squeal from a small, cute girl with honey-colored eyes comes running through the hallway. Michael turns around to face the girl.

"Laisa!" Michael exclaimed. Little Laisa runs up to Michael giving him a big warm hug. As Laisa lets go looking upward to see Michael's face. Michael had an oblong face with sharp angle eyebrows, bright ocean blue eyes, and a straight nose. Michael's jaw was sharp and well shaped, his hair well kept and shaved on the sides.

"Michael, I have a gift for you." Laisa put her left hand in her pocket to get the small-shaped bracelet out and show it to Michael.

"A bracelet!" Michael bent down to grab the bracelet. Pink and blue charms were on the elastic band that kept the bracelet together. Michael puts the bracelet on his skinny wrist. Michael examines the bracelet with his blue eyes.

"I love it Laisa, thank you." Michael raised his hand to Laisa's head and patted it.

"MERRICK, YOU HEAR THAT! MICHAEL LOVES IT!" Laisa screams to Merrick, standing no more than three feet away. Merrick grins from ear to ear and nods.

"Now, now Laisa," A calming voice comes from behind Laisa.

"Well, isn't it Gavin? I was starting to think you forgot your favorite neighbor." Michael chuckles with a charming smile.

"I wouldn't miss such a day. Besides, my boy, you're making a big milestone in your life." Gavin smiles and opens his arms to hug Michael. Michael and Gavin hug giving each other a pat on the back.

"So where's Elizabeth?" Gavin said as he departed from the hug.

"She went to work, same with Dad." Michael's tone softens

"Well, damn." Gavin puts a hand on Michael's shoulder.

"Yeah," Michael lowers his head.

"Well let's get you to the airport shall we?" Gavin grabbed the bags from Michael's room.


"Merrick, Merrick, MERRICK!?" A harsh voice hits the sleeping Merrick's ears. Merrick shot up to see Mr. Davis's face. Silence hits the air.

"Sorry," Merrick tiredly said breaking the silence. Mr. Davis turns and walks away continuing his lecture to the class.

"Merrick," Laisa whispers to Merrick, he turns in her direction.

"What?" Merrick rubs his left eye.

"That was very unlike you to fall asleep,"

Merrick just turned his head to the front to ignore Laisa. I want to go home and sleep Merrick though.

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