Chapter 1: The Discovery

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The night air in Kuala Lumpur was thick with humidity and the distant rumble of thunder, a prelude to the storm that would soon unleash its fury upon the city. Inside the modest police station, Detective Sarah sat at her desk, the dim overhead light casting long shadows across her tired face. She had seen her share of gruesome cases, but tonight, something felt different, something sinister lingered in the air.

Her partner, Inspector Raj, approached, a look of grim determination in his eyes. "Sarah, we have got a situation," he said, his voice low and urgent.

Sarah leaned forward, her curiosity piqued. "What is going on, Raj?"

Raj handed her a set of crime scene photographs, and her stomach churned as she glanced at the images. Each one depicted a gruesome tableau of violence—blood-soaked rooms, contorted bodies, and expressions of unimaginable agony frozen in death.

"It was the 'Cruelty Killer' again," Raj explained, his voice heavy with dread. "We just got the call. They found the latest victim in a rundown apartment on the outskirts of the city."

Sarah's heart sank. The "Cruelty Killer" was a name that struck fear into the hearts of every Malaysian. The serial murderer had eluded them for months, leaving behind a trail of tortured victims and cryptic clues. His motives remained a mystery, his identity hidden behind a mask of sadism.

She stared at the photographs, her mind racing with a mix of anger and determination. "We need to get to the scene," she said firmly, her resolve unwavering.

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