scorpius capricornus

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i sit in starvation, yearning, for that sensation i have been yet to allow my body to feel. the whirling of the sea interlaced with soft sand across my feet, here in this moment i feel peace drain into each pore of my skin, my lips touch the cold air, the sky, i see your face within it. i knew each time that i turned around, the enchantment of your presence would encompass me. never have i before experienced this instant in such sustenance, in such exquisite tranquility. the way the chalky waters graced across my fingertips, as did yours across my frame. a pollution of the lungs you casted upon me, paired amongst subtlety of storm, picking up each grain of sand, sprinkled down my legs. i rest here in an agony of remembrance. begging my solemn body and spirit to feel it, true again. waiting for that innocence i felt bubbling throughout us both, in unity, at one with earth and sea. me within your sea and you upon my earth, we passed our hearts between each others hands, in this chiming hour, pressurised into mere moments. i long to recall this rapture each night as i sleep, amongst the sands of my earth, with your waters draining through my blood. nothing again will place me in such paradise as this. the tears forming in my eyes as the tide pulls back the ocean. the melancholy in the gentle slaps of water upon rock, your hand upon my watered cheek, my weeping eyes embracing the sand you hoist me on. you relax me, lay me down, upon your seabed. never before in an instance as idyllic as this, have i felt such love such longing, such spirituality in our connection. between hands, between arms, they hold together then prise apart, our hatred our anguish, to illuminate the chorus of our signs entwined, earth and water, sand in the palms, blended amongst our entity. i sit here in wondrous silence, watching this unfold, in constance, in my soul. the way you formulate before me, and crash amongst my bones. in this womb my habitat exists for you, and for me to praise your devotion. devour me in this ethereal seclusion. where flesh eats flesh and sea feeds shore, we bestow ourselves, to an eternity in each others grasp.

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