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AFTER ALL THE relays had ended, it was time for the Borrowing Race that you had been looking forward to all day. You had yet to see Gojo during the sports festival. Your class's schedule were overlapped, so you never had the time to go see one another.

You heard his class had won first place in basketball, which made sense because they had both Gojo and Geto, and also some classmates that had experience from junior high.

You waited in the crowd with Hina. "Do you think there's going to be a confession?" She asked, all giggly. It wasn't rare to see a confession happen during these races, especially if somebody got a subject like, "person you like".

"I don't know." You answered. I hope so, you wanted to say.

"Attention, please. The borrowing race will begin momentarily! Contestants, please come to the starting line!" The announcement spokesperson said through the speakers. The contestants would have to go through an easy obstacle course, and at the end, that was where they would get their subject.

People in the crowd, including you, cheered as the contestants lined up. You saw the familiar white haired male, waving towards his class with his usual smile on his face. "Damn, that first year's tall!" Hina said loudly, trying to talk to you over the cheers.

She was talking about Gojo, and you held your chin high. "Yup, that's my junior." You smugly bragged. The pistol went off, and the contestants started running. You were on your tip toes, trying to see past the people in front of you.

You spotted Gojo, swiftly making it past the obstacle course, with only two people in front of them. "The subject is, Person in the home economics club!" The spokesperson said as the person in first place got their subject.

"The second subject, A math teacher!" Everybody laughed as the second person started running towards the poor old math teacher. Gojo finally made it to the spokesperson, grabbing a board. "Oooooh! Third subject, Someone you admire!" Your heart pounded loudly in your chest.

Admire? That could mean many things. It could mean somebody he looks up to, like the captain of the basketball team, or many Suguru, his best friend. It could also mean somebody he likes and admires. It all depended on how he defined it.

He looked around, everybody cheering in the crowd, some girls shooting their hands out for him to choose them. Suguru was also laughing, waving his hand. But then, he looked towards the direction of where your class was, and started dashing towards it.

"I think he's coming this way!" Hina exclaimed, shaking your shoulders. He ran and quickly looked for you, before his eyes locked with yours. Ah, you thought as the smile that bloomed whenever he saw you appeared on his lips. "Hi!", he always greeted you before speaking, "Come with me?"

Hina whipped her head towards you, eyes popping out of her head. "Girl, go!" She screamed at you. "Okay!" You grinned, placing your hand in his. He pulled you out of the crowd. "Tell me if I'm running too fast." He said, before running towards the finish line, his hand in yours.

Your eyes were trained on his back, your cheeks warm and red. His hand enveloped yours, just like that time he comforted you after you had gotten scolded by the coach. Damn, you thought, I really like him.

You reached the goal in no time, and you didn't fail to notice how Gojo slowed down while running in order to match your speed. "In second place, Gojo Satoru from year 1, class 3!" The spokesperson said as you crossed the finish line.

You huffed as you stopped running, slightly out of breath. He didn't let go of your hand, gripping on it tightly. "What's the reason you chose her?" The person asked. Gojo grinned widely as he glanced at you. "Because she's my club's manager and I admire her most in the world!" He yelled into the microphone.

You felt shy, but your smile slipped through. He led you away from the finish line, walking towards the finish area. "You look really pretty." He told you as he faced you.

"Thank you, Satoru. I missed you, today." You told him honestly, which made him freeze in surprise for a split second. "Really?"

You nodded without hesitation, holding his hand just a bit tighter. "Oh." He could only say, his usual confidence disappearing into thin air and being replaced with shyness. A soft blush spread through his cheeks as he couldn't maintain eye contact.

Cute, you thought. "You admire me?" You asked him, as if all the confidence he lost had been transported to you. You tilted your head to the side, trying to make eye contact with him. He silently nodded, glancing back and forth between you and the sand.

You only hummed, slowly nodding to his answer. Admire could mean a lot of things, you reminded yourself.

"Maybe I admire you too." You told him quietly. His eyes widened as he looked at you, but you were already leaving, waving your arm to him. "See you tomorrow!" You told him as he stood there, mouth open like a fool.

His face bursted into a bright red color. Ain't no way.

A/N DOUBLE UPDATE YAY! This fanfic has been chilling on #1 for the manga tag yippee!!!!

qotd: your favorite artist?

a: Kendrick Lamar 🔛🔝

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