My heart can't take it anymore

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I'm so sorry for being inactive but I'll try finish this by the end of this week!! Thank you so much for all the support I love you all dearly.

(This chapter is mostly focused on how Noah feels towards Cody!)


Walking into school after 2 weeks felt like a fever dream, the place was decorated with strings of banners, picturesque pumpkins and ghosts, ghouls and skeletons hung from the ceiling. Credits to whoever decorated all of this because it looked beautiful!

I knew we had a school council who could have done this but I doubted it, I was class president but was never invited to these meetings led by Courtney. That bitch hated me.

I walked around school for a bit, looking for Cody. My school bus usually arrived earlier than the others and he walked to school so I knew he would be there.

As I was walking, I peeked into my science classroom which looked so bland compared to the rest of the school, probably a safety hazard if we had ghosts hung from the ceilings while burning metals.

I thought about how excited Cody must be because of the decorations, I remember vaguely from a few nights ago him loving the decorations in town.

He looked so cute when he was excited, his smily demeanour was infectious. His bright eyes and perfect smile made me melt every time I saw him, I was head over heels for him. I can't deny I don't hate that idea..

As I turned a corner I spotted Cody with his headphones in, humming to the beat as he rooted around his locker.

Oh god! Do I go up to him? Would I blow it? He would definitely know I like him! Is it hot in here? Oh for fucks sake I'm blushing!

Panic washed over me, I never got this scared to speak to Cody what was up with me? Love does so many things to people, my heart was swollen. He was adorable and sweet, how could someone this stupid do this to me?

Before I could even decide if I should stay or if I should go, Cody spotted me. Shit.

"Oh hey Noah!" Cody ran up to me excited before pausing, "What are you doing just stood there?"

I snapped out of my thoughts, my face felt hot just seeing him this excited. He definitely knew something was up with me, I could tell because the confused expression plastered on his face.

"Oh I'm just looking at the decorations!" I blurted out, great save if I do say so myself.

Cody looked a bit suspicious but shrugged, "I love the decorations too! Courtney did a really good job!"

I felt a pang of jealousy as I heard him say that, I know he didn't like her like that but I wanted him to compliment me.. is that bad?

Fuck, I didn't even know if he was gay or bisexual or whatever, he could easily like a girl and not me!

"Yeah I guess!" I said, faking a smile. Cody seemed genuinely happy, I was in heaven when I saw him smile back, his adorable gapped toothed smile.

It was like he had me under a spell, luring me in with that sickly sweet grin.

It was awkwardly quiet, stuck in a silent void only Cody mattering, He looked like he was about to say something when an ear defending sound rang through the halls.

Great, first period. I said goodbye to Cody who looked visibly upset to be leaving me; it was weird but made my heart melt, he genuinely cared for me.

I walked into Spanish and sat down next to Duncan, I hated how we had a seating plan. I'd much rather sit next to Izzy but oh well.

The class was a bore, my teacher looked like Gru and sounded like Mickey Mouse, he made me want to kill myself. Why couldn't I just be in Cody's lessons? It would make it so much more tolerable.

Don't get the wrong idea, I love learning just the teachers make it so much worse than it should be to actually comprehend class work.

I somehow survived 3 class periods before finally I could see Cody at lunch. My heartbeat quickened as I made my way to the canteen in hope of finding Cody.

I opened the door, shoving a small year 7 over before making my way to the lunch queue. Cody was stood a few people in front of me so he moved back to stand with me, what a man.

He put his arm around me and started rambling on about some TV show, it was so cute. I wasn't listening due to the hot blush that spread over my face just at the feeling of him so close to me. He was warm and smelt like cinnamon.

"Have you put perfume on?" I asked inquisitively, it was only light hearted but Cody got really embarrassed. It was almost adorable seeing his face go red, stuttering as he tried to explain why.

"I mean yeah but- but it's manly!" Cody then crossed his arms and pouted his lip. Why was this so attractive? I laughed a little before replying.

"It smells nice!" Oh god why did I just say that? He probably thought I was some weirdo now that goes around smelling people!

Cody laughed a little as he could tell I was getting uncomfortable. Luckily, we were at the front of the lunch queue now. Tray in hand, me and Cody walked outside, side by side as we sat down on a bench. We usually did this to get away from people, Cody was bullied and I was his gay freak of a loner friend. We were almost invisible to people though bullies still found a way to torment us.

We sat in silence as we ate, I couldn't help but stare as Cody as he happily munched on a packet of crisps. He was always so happy even if he was a social outcast like me, I honestly wondered how he had the energy in a hell hole like this.

"Hey Cody?" I asked, finally breaking this deafening silence. Cody looked up at me confused before replying.

"Yeah?" He asked, a hint of confusion and amusement in his voice, sill munching on his crisps.

"How do you cope.. you know? In a place like this." I asked, a bit nervous. I hid it well though, I mean I always hide many emotions well but love is something I physically don't know how to control.

"What do you mean?" Cody looked even more confused, slowly placing his crisps next to him. He was now paying full attention which made me even more nervous.

"I mean we are social outcasts, bullied, how do you cope with it?" I genuinely wanted an answer now, I had always wondered how he kept that loving smile on his face.

"I don't, I just go along with it you know?" I was dumbfounded, he genuinely seemed like he didn't care? I thought he would be more sensitive to this sort of stuff. I usually wasn't but lately school had gotten unbearable.

"Cool." Cool? COOL? What was I thinking? What do I do now? I wanted to keep talking to him but I didn't know how. I was going insane.

I just blurted out the only thing I could think of, a question that had been brewing in my mind for a while.

"Are you gay?"

What was I thinking? Cody looked up at me, not annoyed though. He almost looked.. amused?

"Why do you say that? You think I wear this eyeliner for nothing?" Cody laughed a bit as I stared, dumbfounded.

"What do you mean?" I was confused at this point, my face said it all. My hands trembled a bit at the sight of Cody sat there, laughing. How could he laugh and look so beautiful?

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