Psycho . 9

578 21 14

Yep. I was woken up by Phil. In the best/worst possible way. He poured cereal on me. I honestly had no idea why until he yelled "HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAN!!!"

It was my birthday.

OH GOD I'M OLD! 24. I don't want to be grown up.

I haul myself out of bed and Phil gave me a brief hug. "LETS GOOOOOO!"

"Inside voices Phil. Inside voices."

"But it yeh birthday!"

"Ok Phil calm down!" he was literally jumping up and down like when he is fangirling.

"But we need to leave nowww!"

"Leave where?"


I roll my eyes "Really are we going to do this Phil?"

"yes." Ugh! He grabs my hand and pulls me out of my room. I walk into the living room but it no longer looks like the living room.

At first it looked like someone had just filled the room with about 1000 helium, multi-coloured balloons.

On second look that was exactly what Phil had done.


"What did you do?!" I was almost bent double from laughing. Like what even was that!?

Phil grinned "You like them?"

"I love them!" it was difficult to get the words out. I was almost wheezing them to Phil. "Why???"

"HASHTAG YOLO!!!" Omg. Phil is so happy right now...

I smile and just accept it. I try to get to the kitchen. One problem. There is about 500 balloons in the way. Phil hands me a pin and ear muffs with an evil grin on his face. "Get to it."

I don't question it. Phil usually comes up with crazy idea for my birthday. It's insane.

Phil side on a pair of toxic green ear muffs and produce's his own needle.

Madness followed.

There is no real way to describe those few minutes but I will say this:

Phil and I have defiantly broken the record for the most balloons popped in five minutes.


"Can you please get dressed soon because we got to leave in like thirty minutes?"


"If I wanted you to know I would tell you."

"I don't like surprises."

"You will like this one."

"Fine... can you pass the lucky charms?"

Phil handed me the box of our most unhealthy cereal. Yum. We were sitting in the middle of the living room floor eating off our laps both in out pyjamas like nine year olds. Phil put some anime on at some point and we watched an episode of 'Attack on titan' it's pretty good! I wish I could go to japan. It would make a great holiday.

"Come on Dan. Let's get ready. Where lace up shoes."

"k" I jog into my room and grab the black skinny jeans and the first t-shirt I can find. My black one with the eclipse on the front.

I grab my ninja shoes and lace them up by the door. Phil was waiting just outside wearing almost the identical to me accept the top was grey with foxes.

He led me out to the street and I followed him we walked for a few minutes.

Phil guided me around London. We visited arcades and big gaming places. We spent almost all of the day outside and in arcades. It was a pretty awesome day.

Psycho & Insane (Phan AU)Where stories live. Discover now