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Zoe couldn't help but steal glances at Olivia as they sat across from each other. With her legs crossed and a thoughtful expression, Zoe's eyes wandered, taking in the details of Olivia's presence.

Olivia couldn't help but notice Zoe's gaze on her, and though she felt a bit confused, she wasn't sure how to address it. In an attempt to divert her attention, Olivia quickly shifted her focus back to Faye, pretending as if Zoe wasn't there but it was so much harder than she imagined.

Zoe rose from the couch and gracefully made her way into the kitchen, her every step seemingly capturing Olivia's attention. Olivia's gaze shifted away from Faye, her eyes now fixed on Zoe's movements with intrigue.

"I think you should maybe ask him to go to some type of therapy or something. You either want to save your future marriage or you don't, it's your choice." Faye said,

"Well, of course I want to save my marriage, it's what my mo—what I want. I just won't take disrespect from an ass that's not even half worth what I deserve." Olivia said,

"Well, someone you deserve and someone that will treat you like everything you wish for is the same someone eating half of my pantry." Faye said, turning over to face her kitchen, "I HOPE YOU KNOW THAT YOU'LL BE PAYING FOR OUR NEXT GROCERY TRIP!"

Olivia let out a slight sigh, her head shaking in a gesture of mild frustration. She settled back against the comfortable couch, her gaze fixed upon the inactive TV screen before her.

"Why do you keep saying that?" Olivia asked, looking back over at Faye.

"I'll say it until you face reality. In our high school prime you were on Tatum's ass about lying about her sexuality. Here you are doing it for 27 years. It's hypocritical isn't it?" Faye asked,

Olivia opened her mouth to say something but she was interrupted by the sound of Tatum running down stairs. Both Olivia and Faye turned their gaze over towards the woman.

Tatum's face lit up with a warm smile as she hurried over, eagerly taking a seat between Olivia and Faye. Her smile grew even wider as she pulled them both into a tight, affectionate hug.

Olivia quickly released herself from the embrace, her nose scrunching up in a slight expression of discomfort.

"You guys won't believe the news I just heard." She said,

"Get on with it already," Olivia said,

"My biological grandparents are alive, and get this, they want to see Zoe and I. They say we have more siblings," Tatum said,

Zoe walked into the living room, her eyebrow raised in a curious fashion, before gracefully plopping down onto the plush one-seat couch. In one hand, she held a refreshing bottle of water, while the other hand clutched a tantalizing bag of chips. She then opened the bag of chips, eating as she listened to her sister continue what she was saying.

"And you think that's a good idea?" Faye asked, sitting up in her seat.

"I don't know, maybe? I want to at least know my family, where I come from before I eventually think about bringing one of my own beings into this world. What if my family has a trace of some type of disease or cancer is common among us? What if there's been a history of failed pregnancies?" Tatum asked, getting up from the couch.

Faye's eyes widened before she smiled. Olivia looked between the two as she squinted her eyes. Olivia wanted nothing more than to smile along with Faye because she had realized what Faye did but she knew her friends would think she'd gone soft.

Missing the obsession (p.s I'm still obsessed with you.)Where stories live. Discover now